A generic Crossfire scenario for WW2 with three companies attacking two.
Setting: Some where in Europe; Some time 1939-45
On 12 May 2009 John Moher set the challenge to put together a generic scenario with fairly basic terrain and attack/defence situation with 2-3 coys vs. say 2 weak defending coys or something. I thought I’d give it a go. In fact I’ve made two:
- 2 companies a side
- 2-3 companies a side (this one)
Because this scenario doesn’t have to be particularly historical or innovative I’ve based it on the Tarnopol: Push to the City scenario but reduced the number fo buildings. It has a little bit of everything. It features a regular Allied battalion (3 companies) attacking two German companies (one green and one veteran). The table has an extensive range of Crossfire and Hit the Dirt terrain including low hills, crests, depressions, small woods, orchards (in season), rough, fields (out of season), and buildings, plus a bunker, wire, mines, and entrenchments. There is an Optional Reserve Variation to try out off table reserve forces.

Key features:
- 6’x4′ table.
- A sprinkling of low hills, crests, depressions, small woods, orchards (in season), rough, fields (out of season), and buildings (1 SQ and 2 SQ capacity).
- The line A-A is the Allied front line.
- The line G-G is the German front line.
- The three terrain objectives are marked with an X (two hills and a building).
Pre-game preparation
Before the game starts:
- German Player plot hidden deployment.
German Player (Defending)
Hold the terrain objectives.
Forces Available
- 1 x Green Rifle Company
- 1 x CC (+1)
- 2 x HMG
- 1 x FO for off table 8 cm Mortar (12 FM)
- 3 x Rifle Platoon: PC (+1); 3 x Rifle
- 1 x Veteran Rifle Company
- 1 x CC (+1)
- 2 x HMG
- 1 x FO for off table 8 cm Mortar (12 FM)
- 3 x Rifle Platoon: PC (+1); 3 x Rifle
- Command and Control: German
- 2 x Minefields
- 3 x Wire
- 1 x Bunker (1 SQ)
- As many entrenchments as they want.
Deploys first. One minefield can be deployed between the Allied (A-A) and German (G-G) lines, but if it is, it must be visible. All other troops and fortifications must be deployed to the north-west of line G-G. The bunker, wire and one minefield must be visible. The other minefield and all troops are deployed hidden.
Allied Player (Attacking)
Begins scenario with initiative.
Take the Terrain objectives, which will form the jump off point for breaking into the city. .
Forces Available
- 1 x Rifle Battalion
- 1 x BC (+1)
- 1 x FO for off table Heavy Artillery (4 FM)
- 1 x Heavy Weapons Company:
- 3 x HMG [4 guns each]
3 x FO for off table 82mm or 3″ Mortar (12 FM) [4 tubes each]
- 3 x HMG [4 guns each]
- 3 x Rifle Companies
- 1 x CC (+1)
- 1 x HMG
- 1 x on-table 50 mm, 60 mm or 2″ Mortar (12 FM)
- 3 x Rifle Platoon: PC (+1), 3 x Rifle Squads
- Command and Control: US / Commonwealth
- Morale: Regular
Deploys second south-east of line A-A.
None but see the Optional Reserve Variation.
Victory Conditions
Terrain objectives
The game starts at 0800 hours and ends at 1600 hours. The side controlling more terrain objectives at the end of the game gains a major victory. Control means the objective is uncontested, and the player either has a stand in the feature, or was the last to have a stand in a feature. All objectives start in German control.
It is possible, if terrain objectives are contested, for the two sides to control the same number of objectives. In this case the German Player wins a minor victory.
Scenario Special Rules
- HTD Special Rule 4. The Moving Clock is in use. The scenario starts at 0800 hours and ends at 1600. The clock advances one hour a 5+ on one die rolled at the end of each German initiative.
Optional Reserve Variation
The Allied player keeps one Rifle Company off table as a reserve. To get them on-table the Allied player must announce that he is calling for reinforcements during the Allied initiative. This company arrives, on the south-east table edge, in the subsequent Allied initiative when the Allied player rolls a 6 on 1d6.