Back when I published Almost Fosse Bridge – A Crossfire Battle Report, I promised to publish the scenario. Well, this is it. Jamie was coming over to play Crossfire and I quickly knocked up this scenario. It is extremely loosely based on the Coldstream Guards defence of the Fosse Bridge on 13 September 1943. One of the many small actions following the Salerno landings in the Italian Campaign. Emphasis on the “extremely loosely”. I knew the battalions/regiments present and I also knew the location of the bridge, which gave me a google map of the modern site. Not much to go on, but it gave a good game. Good enough to share the scenario. One day I’ll write a better Fosse Bridge scenario, but for you moment you get “Almost Fosse Bridge”.
Setting: Fosse Bridge, Salerno, Monday 13 September 1943
I didn’t have much to go on for this scenario. I knew the Fosse Bridge crossed the Tusciano River, west of Battipaglia, near San Mattia. So I found a logical bridge on google and printed out the location.

Jamie helped set up. The modern map looks quite industrial, in a farming way, and I suspect it looked quite different in WW2. I felt that gave us a bit of lee way when it came to putting it on table. We kept the outline of the river, the location of the bridge, the roads/tracks, farm, big patch of rough ground between the farm and the bridge, and patchwork of fields on the other side of the road. The hedges are conjectural but reflect what looks like vegetation along some of the tracks. We dropped in vineyards and a crest to cut up visibility.

Key features are:
- River Tusciano, which is impassable except at the bridge
- Fosso Bridge
- Block LOS: Vineyards, farm buildings, orchards (in season), hedges, woods (along the river), crest
- Do not block LOS: Rough ground, fields (out of season), walls, roads
Pre-game preparation
British deploy hidden, except the Shermans.

British Player (Defending)
Prevent the Germans seizing Fosse Bridge.
Forces Available
A company from 3rd Battalion, Coldstream Guards, 201st Guards Motor Brigade, 56th (London) Infantry Division. Supported by a troop from The Royal Scots Greys Regiment (equipped with Sherman tanks).
Defender Order of Battle
- 1 x CC (+2)
- 1 x HMG
- 2 x Rifle Platoon: PC(+1); 3 x Rifle Squads; 1 x Piat (AT 7d6/2d6)
- 1 x 2″ Mortar (12 FM)
- 1 x FO for off-table 3″ Mortar (12 FM)
- 1 x FO for off-table 25 Pounder (12 FM)
- 1 x 17 Pdr Anti-tank gun (AT 6d6; AP 4d6)
- 2 x Sherman III with 75mm (ARM 1d6; AT 5d6; AP 5d6)
- Morale: Regular
- Command & Control: British
- Total fighting stands: ??
Deploys first. The Shermans are deployed visible, but all other troops are deployed hidden.

German Player (Attacking)
Begins scenario with initiative.
Capture Fosse Bridge without taking severe losses.
Forces Available
Elements of Battlegroup Stempel of 16th Panzer Division: 2nd Battalion, 64th Panzergrenadier Regiment, supported by a composite armour unit (Stug IIIs and Panzer IVs).
Attacker Order of Battle
- 1 x CC (+2)
- 1 x HMG
- 1 x Rifle Platoon: PC(+2); 3 x Rifle Squads; 1 x Early Panzerfaust (AT 7d6/2d6)
- 1 x Rifle Platoon: PC(+1); 3 x Rifle Squads; 1 x Early Panzerfaust (AT 7d6/2d6)
- 1 x FO for off-table 81mm Mortar (12 FM)
- 1 x FO for off-table 75mm Gun (12 FM)
- 2 x Pz IV G-H (ARM 1d6; AT 5d6; AP 5d6)
- 1 x StuG III F-G (ARM 1d6; AT 5d6; AP 5d6)
- Morale: Veteran
- Command & Control: German
- Total fighting stands: ??
Deploys second.
Victory Conditions
Terrain and Casualty (AD) objectives.
The Germans immediately win if they control Fosse Bridge. A player controls a terrain objective if their stand occupies the feature or was the last to occupy it, and the feature is/was not physically contested by the enemy.
The Germans immediately lose when they have six fighting stands killed. Fighting stands include BC, CC, HMG, Rifle and SMG Squads, Tanks, Guns, but not PC or FOs. Tanks count as two fighting stands each.
Scenario Special Rules
- HTD Special Rule 4: The Moving Clock is in use. The Scenario begins at 2000 hours and ends 2200 hours. The clock advances 10 minutes on 5+ at the end of each defender initiative.
- HTD Special Rule 5: Bogging down is in use. Tanks bog down in woods, rough ground, orchards, vineyards, hedges, walls on 1-3 on 1d6 (but not fields). They unbog on 4+, becoming permanently mired on 1.
Weapon stats
Panzer IV G-H with 75mm (ARM 1d6; AT 5d6; AP 5d6)
StuG III F-G (ARM 1d6; AT 5d6; AP 5d6)
Early Panzerfaust (AT 7d6/2d6)
Sherman III with 75mm (ARM 1d6; AT 5d6; AP 5d6)
17 Pounder ATG with optional tow (AT 6d6; AP 4d6)
PIAT (AT 7d6/2d6)
È bellissimo. Mi piacerebbe fare una partita!!!
Outstanding! I’m new and still learning, and although I’m sure I did several things wrong,
It played very well for me. Thank you for all the much appreciated effort that goes into making these scenarios.