Alternative Army Lists for Twilight of the Sun-King

Some suggestions for army lists. They could be, but weren’t intended to be, used in conjunction with my Twilight of the Sun-King rules.

All percentages are the maximum number of elements of that type compared to total number of elements in the army. There are limits for general types (eg Foot), and for specific instances of the type (eg Guards). Neither kind of limit can be exceeded.


Type Max. % of army Name Type Max % of army
Foot 80 Guard Foot (S) 5
Swiss & Irish Foot Foot (S) 15
Swiss & Irish Foot Foot (O) 15
Walloon Foot Foot (I) 50
Tercio/Foot Foot (O) 80
Tercio/Foot Foot (I) 80
Grenadier Foot (O) 5
Miquelets (skirmishers) Foot (I) 80
Horse 40 Guard Cavalry Horse (S) 5
Cuirassier/Line Horse (O) 40
Dragoons Horse (I) 20
Artillery 15 Artillery Artillery (O) 15


Type Max. % of army Name Type Max % of army
Foot 90 Tercio/Line Foot (I) 90
Grenadier Foot (O) 5
Miquelets (skirmishers) Foot (I) 80
Horse 40 Horse Horse (I) 40
Artillery 5 Artillery Artillery (O) 5


Type Max. % of army Name Type Max. % of army
Foot 60 Gardes Francaise Foot (S) 5
Gardes Francaise Foot (I) 5
Gardes Suisse Foot (S) 5
Irish Foot Foot (S) 5
Old French Provincial Foot Foot (O) 10
French Foot Foot (O) 60
French Foot Foot (I) 60
Foreign Foot Foot (O) 30
Grenadiers Foot (O) 5
Militia/Recruits/Invalides Foot (I) 40
Militia/Recruits/Invalides Foot (I) 40
Mountain Fusilier (skirmisher) Foot (I) 5
Horse 50 Garde Cavalry Horse (S) 5
Caribineer Horse (S) 15
‘Royal’/Irish Horse Horse (O) 5
Horse Horse (O) 35
‘Royal’ Dragoons Horse (O) 5
Dragoons Horse (I) 30
Hussar (skirmisher) Horse (I) 5
Artillery 15 Artillery Artillery (O) 15

Dutch (United Provinces)

Type Max. % of army Name Type Max. % of Army
Foot 75 Guard Foot (S) 10
Grenadier Foot (S) 15
Scots Line Foot (S) 15
Other Line Foot (S) 75
Recruits/Militia Foot (O) 30
Horse 40 Guard Horse (S) 5
Horse Horse (O) 40
Dragoons Horse (O) 15
Artillery 15 Artillery Artillery (O) 15


Type Max. % of army Name Type Max. % of Army
Foot 75 Guard Foot (S) 5
Grenadier Foot (S) 20
Line Foot (S) 75
Recruits Foot (O) 75
Recruits Foot (I) 75
Horse 50 ‘Royal’ Horse Horse (S) 10
Horse Horse (S) 20
Dragoons Horse (O) 50
Artillery 15 Artillery Artillery (O) 15

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