Alternative Morale and Training Rules for Crossfire

Alternative Morale and Training Rules for Crossfire first proposed by Rolf Grein in the Crossfire-WWII discussion forum.

The rule does seem to work well and adds nice flavour. Have a go and perhaps adjust your points slightly up or down for Reluctant Green and Determined Veterans to reflect their added weakness or strength. We tend to fight historical actions so this points thing doesn’t play a huge part and it means in those actions where those veteran troops took on large numbers of green troops and won, now that have a more historical chance. The point is it feels right and whilst it may not make all troops equal in the game I’d suggest that all troops are not equal on the battlefield and that needs to be reflected in a more tangible way than simply better rally rolls and a CC bonus. Give it a try!!!

Troop Characteristics

Troops are no longer simply rated as Green, Regular or Veteran. Instead they are now rated for both training and morale. This will allow a more accurate reflection of troops battlefield capabilities. The following gives the ratings and rules that apply;

Reluctant Green
Eager Regular
Determined Veteran

Morale Effects:


Take rally tests using morale on the existing tables as follows;

Determined = Veteran

Eager = Regular

Reluctant = Green

Morale Test:

Platoons take a morale test immediately (even in another player’s initiative) when their numbers drop to below half of their original strength. Simply roll on the rally table, requiring the number to pass as if suppressed. Failure by one on the die roll causes the unit to be considered permanently suppressed for the rest of the game, only retreating to withdraw of table. Failure by two or more requires the stand(s) to be removed from play.

Yes the word CONSIDERED is the important one here. The troops aren’t suppressed per se, they just suffer the effects of being suppressed BUT are still able to get away ie they fight in CC as if suppressed and they may not fire. The idea is they are only interested in escaping and saving their own neck!!

The rule is for platoons that drop BELOW half. What this generally means is that 3 or 4 stand platoons test when one stand remains and 2 stand platoons fight to the “death”. We’ve found these “lone” platoons running around after their comrades have been killed (over 50%)provides to much freedom of action. It is an idea to make a “clean” rule that decided their fate immediately and keeps the game moving.

Training Effect:


When fired at the target player must adjust one dice of the firer as follows;

If rated Veteran the target (player) must subtract 1 on the pip (ie 5 to 4, etc) from one of the firer’s die rolls.

If rated Green the firer must add 1 on the pip dice to one of his dice (ie a 4 to 5, etc).

In the game we played it had a noticable, but subtle effect. The odd kill became a suppression and suppression a pin. There is still ample opportunity to wipe out these vets as happened in our game. It means that really good quality troops can take on lesser mortals with very little combat experience and have some chance of success, which historically is right. Time and again the loss of combat effectiveness in a green platoon is greater than that of veterans (reflected by the removal of stands), because they simply do not know the dynamics of battlefield survivability. That is what makes troops veterans in the first place.

Close Combat:

Is affected as follows;

+1 if rated Veteran and/or Determined

-1 if rated Green and/or Reluctant

Note: if rated Reluctant Veteran or Determined Green then no modifier takes place.


So it was in our scenario that the 2nd company of Grossdeutschland were rated “Determined Veterans” and the 3rd company “Eager Veterans”. The NKVD forces were rated “Eager Regulars”. Such a system allows other troops to be graded more effectively and produces unit feel and national characteristics eg British Desert veterans would be rated as “Eager Veterans”, some Japanese infantry as “Determined Regulars”, Late PanzerGrenadiers or Panzer troops as “Eager Veterans”, Early Russian Tank troops as “Eager Green” troops, etc, etc. The rules worked particularly well and put the focus of training and morale on the troops dependant upon their situation when testing. It allowed the Veteran troops of GD to be more effective, but still somewhat vulnerable, at attacking a defended position. Their slightly higher survivability in the open well reflects their level of combat experience ie they’ve done this more than a few times before. As it turned out they did attack very effectively (well done Nick!!!) and the game certainly “felt right” that these quality troops had an edge over their opponent. It was still a little touch-and-go, but they would’ve been hard pressed to achieve their objectives without this rules “twist”. The rules definitely DID NOT unbalance the game in our opinion. We are quite happy with the rules and will be further playtesting to see their effects.

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