Phase 1 of the Krasny Bor Campaign is the Soviet attempt to breakthrough the Spanish Front Line troops and get as many troops as possible into the Spanish rear for use in Phase 2. It starts at 08.00 hours and is fought on the Front tables.
Crossfire Scenarios
In over 20 years of playing Crossfire, Arty Conliffe’s company level WW2 game, I have only played pick-up games a couple of times. I usually play scenarios – mostly my own. If you’re completely new to the Crossfire then I suggest you try out the Crossfire Freebie 1: Mini-scenarios, Scenario for Novices and Mac’s Crossfire Missions.
Operation Widgeon – A Crossfire Scenario
This Crossfire scenario is based on ‘Operation Widgeon’ where 1st Commando Brigade Crossed the Rhine to capture and hold Wesel.
Scots Plunder – A Crossfire Scenario
This Crossfire scenario is based on the 8th Royal Scots Crossing the Rhine as part of ‘Operation Plunder’.
Rhine Crossing ala Rapid Fire – A Crossfire Scenario
This Crossfire scenario is based on the Rhine Crossing scenario by Durston (1996) although I converted it from Rapid Fire to Crossfire. Since then I have discovered serious historical flaws in the scenario. It might work as a game but the historical bugs annoyed me so I started playing with a couple of alternatives:
Malmedy and Operation ‘Greif’- A Crossfire Scenario
A Crossfire scenario set on 21 December 1944 and featuring Otto Skorzeny plus Panzer Brigade 150 with German armour disguised as American. See also Dick Bryant’s Battle Report.
Arnhem 17-25 Sep 1944
In the English speaking world at least, Arnhem is one of the defining battles of World War II. Vince Lody from the Shed ran a multi-player Crossfire game based on the last stand of the Paras at Arnhem. A last stand poses certain challenges for a scenario designer, i.e. you know the defender has to lose, so I wondered what other aspects of the battle would make for interesting gaming. I’ve sketched out the course of the battle and outlined what I think might make interesting scenarios.
Scenario Ideas for the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Scenario ideas for my Arab-Israeli Crossfire set in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. At some point I might turn them into proper scenarios. For the moment they are literally just ideas.
Counter-Attack on Mérida – A Crossfire Scenario in the Spanish Civil War
A scenario for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War – as the Republicans try to recapture Merida from the advancing Nationalists.
University City – A Crossfire Scenario in the Spanish Civil War
A scenario for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War – as the Nationalists try to drive the International Brigades out of the University City. The fighting revolves around the Hall of Philosophy and Letters.
Tank attack at Sesena – A Crossfire Scenario in the Spanish Civil War
A scenario for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War – featuring the brand new Republican T-26 tanks fresh off the boats from the USSR. Historically the Republican armour mauled Nationalist Cavalry in the streets of Seseña then destroyed an Italian tankette squadron. They were only driven off by Legionnaires getting personal with petrol bombs.
Scenarios for Arty Conliffe’s Crossfire
You might want to look at my General Scenario Guidelines or go straight to the scenarios and scenario resources themselves: