I wrote variant of DBA in Jun 1996 to refight the battles of the New Zealand Wars (1840-1872). They do not cover skirmishes They are based on DBA and were influenced by the article by Ed White on DBA and the Seven Years War (WI65) and Clive Clapson’s article on the Maori Wars (WI63). As in Ed’s article there are two assumptions:
Wargaming and Military History are the interests I pour most of my spare time into. This section concentrates on the wargaming rules I’m interested in. I’ve got quite a lot on running wargaming campaigns. I’ve also got sub-categories on: Crossfire, DBx (including DBA and HOTT), Twilight of the Sun King, Engle Matrix Games, Megablitz, Liberators QPR, Field of Glory. All other rules are lumped together.
Wargaming the Battle for Ohaeawai Pa
Attempting to wargame the Battle for Ohaeawai Pa brings you face to face with the Challenges of Wargaming the New Zealand Wars, even more than the Battle for Puketutu Pa does. A relatively tiny group of entrenched Maori bloodily repulses a large number of European attackers. How to make that possible? How to make that a good game?