The Suevi are covered by DBA army list II/72c Suevi 250AD-584AD, an option within II/72 Early Frankish, Alamannic, Quadi, Suevi, Rugian or Turcilingi. They were part of the general chaos during the Fall of the Western Roman Empire and ended up in Iberia. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
De Bellis Antiquitatis (DBA) was the first of the DBx family of rules. Like HOTT it is light on simulation but quick and fun. The one day campaigns included in the book are brilliant, e.g. Britannia 600 AD. In fact I’ve got a bunch of DBA campaigns. With some tweaks I’ve managed to make DBA work for the New World – my variant is called New World DBA. I have revised a few of the army lists I care about and also specified Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists to facilitate building an army.
DBA II/66 Early Vandal 200AD-442AD
The Vandals were a Germanic tribe that crossed the Rhine into Roman Gaul, helped with the Fall of the Western Roman Empire, settled in Iberia (Spain and Portugal) before crossing to Africa. They hung out with the Alans. DBA army list II/66 Early Vandal 200AD-442AD is the army before forming the African Kingdom. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
DBA II/65 Early Visigothic 200 AD-419AD
The Visigoths had a bit of a love-hate relationship with the Roman Empire. At times fighting against them, notably the Battle of Adrianople where they thrashed the Eastern Roman army, and sometimes operating in conjunction with the Romans as Feoderati. They ended up in Spain. In DBA they are list II/65 Early Visigothic 200 AD-419AD. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
Egyptian versus Sea Peoples – A Big Base DBA Battle Report
Chris Harrod and I took my new Biblical armies for a spin using Big Base DBA. Chris was New Kingdom Egyptian and I took the Sea Peoples.
What DBA Troop Type are New Kingdom Egyptian and Hittite Close Fighters?
What DBA Troop Type are New Kingdom Egyptian Close Fighters and Hittite Empire Spearmen? Not what DBA v2.2 says. This seems another example, like Viking versus Saxon, where two armies had the same types of troops and DBA classifies them differently.
Steven’s Sea Peoples for Big Base DBA
DBA I/28 Sea Peoples is the first army I’ve completed as part of my Sea Peoples Project for Big Base DBA.
DBA Armies for the Sea Peoples, New Kingdom Egyptians and Hittite Empire
I picked up three biblical period armies from Silurian Wargames Limited: Sea Peoples, Hittite Empire and New Kingdom Egyptian. Here are few shots that Martin from Silurian sent me.
DBA I/24 Hittite Empire 1380BC-1180BC
The Hittite Empire covered central Anatolia and extended into the Levant. The Empire is covered by the DBA army list I/24 Hittite Empire 1380BC-1180BC. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
DBA I/22 New Kingdom Egyptian 1543BC-1069BC
The New Kingdom of Egypt spanned the 18th, 19th and 20th dynasties. The army is covered by the DBA army list I/22 New Kingdom Egyptian 1543BC-1069BC. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
DBA I/28 Sea Peoples 1208BC-1176BC
The Sea Peoples Confederation burst upon the eastern Mediterranean in the late 13th century BC. For 50 years they had a major impact, contributing to the collapse of both the Hittite Empire and the Mycenaean culture. They also had a good go at Egypt – several goes actually. The confederation’s armies are represented by the DBA army list I/28 Sea Peoples 1208BC-1176BC. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
Sea Peoples Wargaming Project
I’ve been thinking about a chariot period project for a while and have been toying with the idea of something about the Sea Peoples. Then I saw three armies painted by Silurian Wargames Limited: Sea Peoples, Hittite Empire and New Kingdom Egyptian. I couldn’t resist. So yet another project starts.
Romans versus Iberian – Two Big Base DBA Battle Reports
Chris Harrod and I played two games of Big Base DBA set in the Roman conquest of Iberia. So Polybian Roman with Spanish allies against an Iberian army with Celtiberian mercenaries. In the first game, as the Spanish defender, I fielded my newly painted Built-up-Area (BUA). Quite pretty it is too – but it does pose quite a lot of challenges for both sides. We liked the first game so much we played the game a second time but swapped sides.
Steven’s Ancient Spanish for Big Base DBA
I’ve been rebasing my Rise of Rome armies for Big Base DBA. The first off the re-flocking table are the Ancient Spanish. 14 big bases of Iberian glory.
Pity Those Ancient Spanish in DBA – The Army Points Say It All
I’ve always felt the 12 element army size of DBA doesn’t give balanced games. Some folks have come up with points systems to deal with this. I thought I’d tally the points total for a few armies to see how they compare under a couple of the points systems. I’ve focussed on the Macedonian and Punic Wars and not too surprisingly the Ancient Spanish are the poor relatives.
Roman versus Carthaginian Big Base DBA
Andrew Coleby and I had a go at Big Base DBA. Andrew took Carthaginians and I took Polybian Roman. Andrew won – those pesky Gauls cut through my Legionnaires (again). Aside from being a good game it also proved the concept of Big Base DBA, i.e. big bases with lots of figures, big table, but using standard DBA.