Some musing on machine guns versus armour in Crossfire. Standard Crossfire doesn’t cover this.
CF Armour Musing
Musing on Crossfire’s armour and anti-tank rules
Revised Points System for Crossfire Armour
In Crossfire all tanks have the same point cost even though they have different characteristics. Similarly for armoured personnel carriers (APC) and anti-tank guns (ATG). The idea is you pay the standard points cost and then roll dice to see what type of tank/gun you get for your points. It is a bit like a lottery … buy your ticket and see what you win.
Gun versus Arm Matrix in Crossfire
Some musing on Gun versus Arm Matrix for anti-tank fire in Crossfire. This idea was tossed around by a few people on the Crossfire-WWII discussion forum. I first noted if when Robert Tesfro mentioned it. Others have given variations. Essentially anti-tank fire is handled with the same rule as infantry fire. No PEN and ARM.
Modified ACC for Crossfire
Some musing a modified accuracy (ACC) in Crossfire. See my House Rules for the ACC rules I actually use.