Some musing on Crossing Rivers in Crossfire. See also my musing on waterborne troops.
Crossfire Musing
I’ve collected together some interesting Crossfireideas from other people. I’ve reproduced them here mainly so I don’t have to go hunting for them again. Most rule variations are untried. Some items – Base Sizes for example – are there because people ask about them a lot, so in some ways this section is a FAQ, but not quite. See also my real FAQ.
In particular I’ve musings on: Command Control, Troop Types, Vehicles, Shooting, Terrain, Converting from other Game Systems, v2 wish list. Plus a whole bunch of other stuff.
Gun versus Arm Matrix in Crossfire
Some musing on Gun versus Arm Matrix for anti-tank fire in Crossfire. This idea was tossed around by a few people on the Crossfire-WWII discussion forum. I first noted if when Robert Tesfro mentioned it. Others have given variations. Essentially anti-tank fire is handled with the same rule as infantry fire. No PEN and ARM.
Modified ACC for Crossfire
Some musing a modified accuracy (ACC) in Crossfire. See my House Rules for the ACC rules I actually use.
Cavalry and Mounted Infantry in Crossfire
Some musing on Cavalry and Mounted Infantry in Crossfire. Standard Crossfire doesn’t cover this. My musings are primarily based on ideas by Daniele Varelli on the Crossfire Discussion Forum. Cavalry is divided into Charging Cavalry – who fight mounted – and/or Mounted Infantry – who dismount to fight. Usually a player must choose at deployment whether his Cavalry is “dismounted” or “mounted”; normally they cannot mount/dismount during the game.
Boring Fire Fights in Crossfire
It is fairly common to find yourself in an ineffectual fire fight in Crossfire. I’ve captured some musing on these “Boring Fire Fights” by people with opposing perspectives. Nikolas Lloyd believes ineffectual fire fights are a flaw in the rules. I think they are realistic and points to poor tactics.
Musing on Shooting in Crossfire
I’ve a bunch of observations and potential special rules related to shootiing in Crossfire: