Pity Those Ancient Spanish in DBA – The Army Points Say It All

Big Base DBA Ancient Spanish - Infantry

I’ve always felt the 12 element army size of DBA doesn’t give balanced games. Some folks have come up with points systems to deal with this. I thought I’d tally the points total for a few armies to see how they compare under a couple of the points systems. I’ve focussed on the Macedonian and Punic Wars and not too surprisingly the Ancient Spanish are the poor relatives.

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DBA II/33 Polybian Roman 275BC-105BC

The Roman army list for DBA during the Macedonian Wars, Punic Wars and Iberian Wars is II/33 Polybian Roman. This looks like a Consular army with two legions and two allied wings (ala). So roughly half of each troop type would be Roman and the other half Latin. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.

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DBA II/19 Seleucid 320-83BC

I’ve got a Seleucid army for DBM but I don’t particularly like the DBA list (II/19). There are four variations (a to d) but the different DBA variants don’t align too well with the DBM lists. The first two variants (a and b) established the Seleucid empire. The latter two versions (c and d) fought the Romans in the Macedonian Wars. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.

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DBA II/27 Pyrrhic 300BC-272BC

Pyrrhus, the King of Epiros, was the only Hellenistic general to defeat the Romans in battle. As far as I’m aware he is the only Hellenistic general to fight the Carthaginians. That means Pyrrhus is the point where the wars of Alexander successors met the Punic Wars. Pyrrhus campaigned in Epiros, Greece and Macedonia during 306-281 BC, in southern Italy against the Romans in 280-275 BC, against the Carthaginians in Sicily in 278-275 BC, against the Romans again in 275 BC, and back in Greece 275-272 BC. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.

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