Rise of Rome
I divide the Rise of Rome into three sections: the Punic Wars, Macedonian Wars and Iberian Wars. There is quite a lot of overlap between these. From 264 Roman fought three bitter wars with Carthage over the western Mediterranean – the Punic Wars. Roman triumphed and as a side effect began its conquest of Iberia – modern Spain and Portugal. But Iberia was a tough nut to crack. It took 200 years for the Romans to conquer the peninsular. Meanwhile the Romans conquered the Mediterranean. In the east Roman defeated the Macedonians and the Successors during the Macedonian Wars.
15mm Wargaming Figures for the Macedonian and Punic Wars
My figures are predominantly from Essex Miniatures although Chariot Miniatures (now owned by Magister Militum)appear frequently among the Roman Legionaries, Numidians, Italians and Spanish allies. The infantry of the two ranges are entirely compatible. The cavalry are not compatible. I opted for the large Essex Miniatures horses because all my other armies are that size. Magister Militum have more realistic but much smaller horses. The only exception is for the Numidians – the numidian horses of both ranges are compatible.