Monomotapa – New World DBA Army List

Monomotapa (1494-1700) army list for New World DBA, my New World variant of DBA. Based on DBR III/8. One of several east African pagan peoples, the Momomotapa Kingdom was in the area of modern Zimbabwe. Of the Shona they were warlike, great traders, and built large stone city complexes. The warriors had spears or bows with iron arrowheads. Nobles wore skins with long tails and gold decorated wooden scabbards. The Momomotapa had a variety of vassal states. Some of the vassal states fell to Portuguese adventurers.

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Kororareka – A DBA Scenario

Here is my Kororeka scenario for my DBA New Zealand Wars variant. I have assumed one element represents 20 men (rounded up to the next whole element), except the unarmed settlers where each represents 50 men, women and children. Some Naval Brigade and and Civic Guard are manning the gun batteries. Although there were four guns available I’ve lumped the three old cannon together as one battery.

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