The Finchley Wargaming Club is a historical miniatures wargames group based in Finchley Central, London, N3, UK. When the pandemic allows we meet on Tuesday evening at a private residence, play pretty much all periods and quite a variety of gaming systems. If you’re interested in meeting up then contact me.
To give you a flavour of our interests, both wargaming and military history . . .
Crossfire has been the most played set of rules within the club for the last decade. World War II of course.
Tilly’s Very Bad Day
We play Tilly’s Very Bad Day quite a lot as we got into the Thirty Years War. The author is in the club.
We play DBA and HOTT quite a lot, plus compatible campaign systems. New World DBA and Liberators HOTT feature.
With an interest in Operational Level Warfare we’ve been trying Tim Gow’s Megablitz for World War II.
Twilight of the Sun King
The original author of Twilight of the Sun King, Fast play rules for the Marlburian period, is in the club.
World War II
World War II is popular particularly the Eastern Front. We mainly use Crossfire and have dabbled with Megablitz.
Ancients & Medieval
We are quite interested in both the Rise of Rome and its Fall. And the Reconquista has appeal too.
The South American Wars of Liberation was the focus in 2012. Using rules like Liberators QPR and Liberators HOTT.
Spanish Civil War
Every now and then we want a change from World War II and delve into the Spanish Civil War.
Peninsular War
We are just getting into the Peninsular War and are exploring rules such as Lasalle, Shako, and Volley & Bayonet.
Engle Matrix Games
Every now and then we want something a bit different and use a Engle Matrix Game as the basis for a game.