I saw this post by Cassius on the New Rhodesian forum. It cites the SIPRI Arms Transfers Database for foreign deliveries from 1950 to 2009.
I’ve copied the post here so I can retain it.
Transfers of major conventional weapons: sorted by supplier. Deals with deliveries or orders made for year range 1950 to 2009
Note: The ‘No. delivered/produced’ and the ‘Year(s) of deliveries’ columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. Deals in which the recipient was involved in the production of the weapon system are listed separately. The ‘Comments’ column includes publicly reported information on the value of the deal. Information on the sources and methods used in the collection of the data, and explanations of the conventions, abbreviations and acronyms, can be found at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: Arms Transfer. The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database is continuously updated as new information becomes available.
Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
Information generated: 10 October 2010
Supplier/ Year Year(s) No.
recipient (R) No. Weapon Weapon of order/ of delivered/
or licenser (L) ordered designation description licence deliveries produced Comments
L: Portugal 260 Pandur-2 APC 2005 2007-2009 (148) EUR365 m ($480 m) deal (incl EUR21 m for spare parts; offsets 150% in 9 years incl assembly of 219 in Portugal); incl ambulance, ARV, CP and anti-tank and 30 IFV version; delivery 2007-2010
R: Portugal 3 T-33A T-Bird Trainer aircraft (1979) 1979 3 Ex-Belgian
R: Portugal 1 Bangor Minesweeper 1950 1950 1 Ex-Canadian; Portugese designation Lacerda; for use as survey ship
(40) Kangaroo APC 1954 1954 (40) Ex-Canadian
(50) M-4 Sherman Tank 1954 1954 (50) Ex-Canadian
5 T-33A T-Bird Trainer aircraft (1960) 1961 (5) Ex-Canadian; T-33 Mk-3/T-33A-N version
3 SQS-510 ASW sonar (1988) 1991 3 For 3 MEKO-200 (Vasco Da Gama) frigates from FRG
4 SQS-510 ASW sonar (1991) 1992-1993 (4) For modernization of 4 Joao Belo frigates
24 PW-100 Turboprop/turboshaft 2006 2008-2009 (16) For 12 C-295 transport and MP aircraft from Spain; PW-127 version
R: Portugal 4 W-12 Diesel engine (SH) 2002 2009 4 For 2 Do Castelo OPV produced in Portugal
R: Portugal 7 SA-313B Alouette-2 Light helicopter 1956 1957 7
(21) EBR-75 Armoured car (1957) 1958-1959 (21)
13 Ju-52/3m Transport aircraft 1960 1961 13 Ex-French
6 Noratlas N-2501 Transport aircraft (1960) 1961 6
6 Noratlas N-2501 Transport aircraft 1960 1960 6 Possibly ex-French
(360) SS-11/AS-11 Anti-tank missile (1960) 1961-1962 (360) Deal incl also 36 launchers
(40) T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft (1960) 1961-1962 (40) Ex-French
80 SA-316B Alouette-3 Light helicopter 1962 1963-1970 (80)
4 Commandant Riviere Frigate 1964 1967-1969 4 Portugese designation Belo Class
4 Daphne Submarine 1964 1967-1969 4 Portugese designation Albacora Class
(50) AML-60/90 Armoured car (1965) 1966-1968 (50) AML-60 and possibly AML-90 version
(30) EBR-TT APC (1965) 1965 (30) Ex-French (but probably not much used)
(48) E-14 AS torpedo (1966) 1967-1969 (48) For 4 Daphne Class submarines
(96) L-3 ASW torpedo (1966) 1967-1969 (96) For 4 Daphne (Albacora) Class submarines and 4 Riviere (Belo) Class frigates
(12) SA-330 Puma Helicopter (1968) 1969 (12)
6 M-3 VTT APC (1970) 1970 6
99 SA-316B Alouette-3 Light helicopter (1970) 1970-1975 (99)
4 100mm M-68 CAD Naval gun (1972) 1974-1975 4 For 4 modified Coutinho (De Andrada) frigates from Spain
4 TRS-3220 Pollux Fire control radar (1972) 1974-1975 4 For 4 modified Coutinho (De Andrada) Class delivered from Spain; for use with 100mm gun
32 Cessna-337/O-2 Light aircraft (1973) 1974-1976 (32) FTB-337G version; incl 16 Milirole armed version
1 SA-330 Puma Helicopter (1975) 1975 1
18 VBL Reconnaissance AV (1984) 1986 (18)
3 100mm M-68 CAD Naval gun (1986) 1991 3 For 3 MEKO-200 (Vasco da Gama) frigates from FRG
55 MILAN Anti-tank missile 1999 1999 55 Designation uncertain
(19) VBL Reconnaissance AV (1999) 1999-2001 19
L: Portugal 8 Le Fougueux Patrol craft (1954) 1954-1958 8 5 produced in Portugal; financed by US ‘MDAP Offshore Procurement Programme’ aid; Portugese designation Funchal
2 EDIC Landing craft (1968) 1969-1970 2 Portugese designation Bombarda
1 EDIC Landing craft (1984) 1985 1 Portugese designation Bombarda
18 TB-30 Epsilon Trainer aircraft 1987 1989-1990 (18) $17 m deal; assembled from kits in Portugal
Germany (FRG)
R: Portugal 40 Do-27 Light aircraft 1960 1961-1962 (40) Do-27A-4 version
(113) Do-27 Light aircraft (1960) 1961-1965 (113) Ex-FRG; Do-27A-4 version
10 Skeeter-7 Light helicopter (1964) 1964 (10) Ex-FRG
40 G-91R-3 FGA aircraft (1965) 1966 40 Ex-FRG (but only few years old)
18 Noratlas N-2501 Transport aircraft 1965 1966-1970 (18) Ex-FRG
(40) T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft (1965) 1965-1966 (40) Ex-FRG
3 Coutinho Frigate 1968 1970 3 Part of deal incl 3 delivered from Spain
(15) F-86F Sabre Fighter aircraft 1970 1970 (15) Ex-FRG; 35 more delivered for spares only
14 G-91R-3 FGA aircraft 1976 1976 14 Ex-FRG; aid
6 G-91T Trainer aircraft 1976 1976 6 Ex-FRG; aid
18 M-48A2 Patton Tank 1977 1978 18 Ex-FRG; aid
(15) G-91R-3 FGA aircraft 1980 1980 (15) Ex-FRG; aid; some more delivered for spares only
(30) G-91R-3 FGA aircraft (1981) 1982 (30) Ex-FRG; aid; some more delivered for spares only or for use as decoy
5 G-91T Trainer aircraft (1981) 1981 5 Ex-FRG; aid
(10) G-91T Trainer aircraft (1982) 1982 (10) Ex-FRG ; aid; some more delivered for spares only
12 Condor APC 1984 1984 12
12 SA-313B Alouette-2 Light helicopter (1984) 1984 12 Ex-FRG
3 MEKO-200 Frigate 1986 1991 3 $700 m deal (60% financed by NATO and FRG ‘Verteidigungshilfe’ and ‘Rstungssonderhilfe’ aid); Portugese designation Vasco Da Gama
(700) MILAN Anti-tank missile (1988) 1989-1990 (700) MILAN-2 version; partly financed by NATO
10 Alpha Jet Trainer/combat ac 1990 1990 10 Ex-FRG
45 Alpha Jet Trainer/combat ac 1993 1993 (45) Ex-FRG; 5 more for spares only; aid
50 M-113 APC 1993 1994 50 Ex-FRG; M-113A1 version; ‘CFE Cascade’ programme
2 Type-214 Submarine 2004 EUR846 m deal (offsets 100%); Type-209PN version; option on 1 more; delivery 2010-2011
R: Portugal 33 CARDOM 120mm Mortar 2006 2008-2009 (15) For Pandur-2 APC from Austria
3 EL/M-2022 MP aircraft radar 2006 EL/M-2022A(V)3 version; for 3 C-295MPA MP aircraft from Spain
(300) Spike-MR/LR Anti-tank missile 2006 2008-2009 (200) For Pandur-2 IFV
30 UT-25/UT-30 IFV turret 2006 2008-2009 (20) Part of $32 m deal; UT-30 version; for Pandur-2 IFV from Austria
R: Portugal 1 Escobar Frigate 1954 1957 1 Financed by NATO
(24) Model-56 105mm Towed gun (1970) 1971 (24)
12 EH-101-400 Helicopter 2002 2004-2006 (12) $287-315 m deal (incl 2 financed by EU for fishery protection); incl for SAR and CSAR
. . Black Shark AS/ASW torpedo 2005 EUR47 m ($62 m) deal; for Type-214 (Type-209PN) submarines
R: Portugal (10) F-84 Thunderjet FGA aircraft 1953 1954 (10) Ex-Dutch (but only maximum few years old); F-84E version
18 PV-2 Harpoon MP aircraft (1954) 1954 18 Ex-Dutch
12 P-2E Neptune ASW aircraft (1961) 1961-1962 (12) Ex-Dutch
3 DA-08 Air search radar 1986 1991 3 For 3 MEKO-200 (Vasco da Gama) frigates from FRG
3 MW-08 Air search radar (1986) 1991 3 For 3 MEKO-200 (Vasco da Gama) frigates from FRG
6 STIR Fire control radar (1986) 1991 6 For 3 MEKO-200 (Vasco da Gama) frigates from FRG; incl for use with Seasparrow SAM
104 M-113 APC 1991 1993 (103) Ex-Dutch; M-113A2 version; ‘CFE Cascade’ programme
28 YP-408 APC 1991 1992 (28) Ex-Dutch; ‘CFE Cascade’ programme
3 P-3C Orion Update-2.5 ASW aircraft 2004 2006 (3) Ex-Dutch; part of EUR70 m or EUR223 m ($85 m or $265 m) deal
2 P-3CUP Orion ASW aircraft 2004 2006 2 Ex-Dutch P-3C sold to Portugal while being modernized to P-3CUP in USA for Netherlands; part of EUR70 m or EUR223 m ($85 m or $265 m) deal
2 Doorman Frigate 2006 2009 1 Ex-Dutch; EUR240 m deal; delivery 2009-2010
37 Leopard-2A5 Tank 2007 2008-2009 (37) Ex-Dutch; EUR78 m deal; Leopard-2A6 version
1 Leopard-2 Training Training tank 2008 2008 1 Ex-Dutch; part of EUR78 m deal
R: Portugal 2 Ju-52/3m Transport aircraft 1950 1950 2 Ex-Norwegian
South Africa
R: Portugal 1 Flower Corvette 1959 1959 1 Second-hand; for use as survey ship; Portuguese designation Araujo
(59) T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft (1970) 1970-1973 (59) Ex-South African
R: Portugal 3 Coutinho Frigate 1968 1970-1971 3 Part of deal incl 3 delivered from FRG
4 Coutinho Frigate 1972 1974-1975 4 Originally ordered by South Africa; modified version; Portugese designation De Andrade
(24) C-212 Aviocar Transport aircraft 1973 1974-1976 (24) C-212-100 version; incl 4 C-212B aerial survey and 1 C-212E navigation training version
(10) M-74 ARV (1980) 1980 (10) Ex-Spanish
2 C-212MP Aviocar MP aircraft 1993 1994 2 $20 m deal (incl 50% financed by EU for fishery patrol); C-212-300 Patrullero version
1 S763-LANZA Air search radar 2004 2008 1 EUR18 m ($22 m) deal; option on 3 more
9 C-295 Transport aircraft 2006 2008-2009 (8) Part of EUR270 m deal; delivery 2008-2010
3 C-295MPA ASW aircraft 2006 Part of EUR270 m deal; delivery 2010
R: Portugal 6 375mm Quad ASW MRL (1962) 1966-1968 (6) For 3 Dealy (Da Silva) Class frigates
R: Portugal 2 Vampire T-55 Trainer aircraft (1951) 1951 2
15 T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft 1956 1956 15 Ex-UK; aid; Harvard-3 version
2 Bay Frigate 1959 1959 2 Ex-UK; Portuguese designation Cabral Class
2 Bay Frigate 1961 1961 2 Ex-UK; Portugese designation Cabral Class
(30) FV-601 Saladin Armoured car (1964) 1965 (30)
4 AWS-2 Air search radar (1972) 1974-1975 4 For 4 modified Coutinho (De Andrada) from Spain
(60) Blowpipe Portable SAM (1982) 1983 (60)
2 Watchman Air search radar 1988 1989-1990 (2) Deal worth $9 m incl 2 AN/TPS-44 radars; financed by NATO
5 Super Lynx-100 ASW Helicopter 1990 1993 5 $81 m deal (offsets 25%); incl 2 ex-UK Lynx rebuild to Super Lynx; Lynx Mk-95 version; option on 3 more not used
1 Rover Oiler 1993 1993 1 Ex-UK; Portugese designation Berrio Class
1 Watchman Air search radar 1993 1995 (1) Financed by NATO
21 L-118 105mm Towed gun 1997 1998-1999 (21)
36 RTM-322 Turboshaft 2002 2004-2006 (36) For 12 EH-101 helicopters from Italy
260 ISC-350 Diesel engine (AV) 2005 2007-2009 (188) For 260 Pandur-2 APC from Austria
L: Portugal 76 DHC-1 Chipmunk Trainer aircraft (1954) 1955-1960 (76) 66 assembled/produced in Portugal; Chipmunk T-20 version
4 Ton Minesweeper 1954 1955-1956 (4) Incl 2 financed by US ‘MDAP Offshore Procurement Programme’ aid
R: Portugal 5 B-17G Fortress Bomber aircraft 1949 1950 5 Ex-US; SB-17G SAR version
50 P-47D Thunderbolt FGA aircraft (1950) 1951-1952 50 Ex-US
(61) T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft (1950) 1951-1956 (61) Ex-US
8 Adjutant Minesweeper 1951 1953-1955 8 ‘MDAP’ aid; Portugese designation Ponte Delgada
(109) F-84 Thunderjet FGA aircraft (1951) 1952-1955 (109) Incl ex-US (but maximum only few years old); ‘MDAP’ aid; F-84G version
(85) M-47 Patton Tank (1952) 1953 (85) Possibly ex-US (but maximum only few years old); aid
3 S-55/H-19 Chickasaw Helicopter 1952 1952 (3) Ex-US; aid
(16) T-33A T-Bird Trainer aircraft (1952) 1953 16 ‘MDAP’ aid; incl 1 RT-33A reconnaissance version
4 Aggressive Minesweeper 1953 1953-1954 4 ‘MDAP’ aid; Portugese designation San Jorge
5 DC-4/C-54 Skymaster Transport aircraft 1953 1953 (5) Ex-US
(10) M-4 Sherman Tank 1953 1953 (10) Ex-US; ‘MDAP’ aid
(3) HU-16B Albatross MP/transport ac (1956) 1957 (3) For SAR
(24) PV-2 Harpoon MP aircraft (1956) 1956 (24) Ex-US; ‘MDAP’ aid; some possibly ex-French supplied by France; PV-2D-1D version
(9) T-33A T-Bird Trainer aircraft (1956) 1957-1958 (9) Ex-US; ‘MDAP’ aid
2 Rudderow Frigate 1957 1957 2 Ex-US; ‘MDAP’ aid; Portugese desigantion Corte Real Class
50 F-86F Sabre Fighter aircraft 1958 1958 50 Ex-US; ‘MDAP’ aid
1 LSM Landing ship 1959 1959 1 Ex-US; former LSM-1 Class landing ship modified to cable layer; used as diving tender; ‘MAP’ aid
(10) DC-4/C-54 Skymaster Transport aircraft 1960 1960-1965 (10) Ex-US
(18) T-6 Texan Trainer aircraft (1960) 1961-1962 (18) Ex-US
1 AN/SPS-6 Air search radar (1961) 1963 1 For 1 Sao Gabriel support ship produced in Portugal; AN/SPS-6C version
8 DC-6/C-118 Transport aircraft 1961 1961 8 Second-hand
30 T-37B Trainer aircraft 1962 1963-1964 (30) Incl 18 ‘MAP’ aid; T-37C version
7 B-26 Invader Bomber aircraft (1964) 1965 7 Second-hand; exported illegally from USA; B-26B version
(36) Mk-46 ASW torpedo (1965) 1967-1968 (24) For Dealy (Da Silva) frigates
(50) Mk-44 ASW torpedo (1966) 1967-1968 (50)
6 MLA-1B Air search radar (1968) 1970-1971 6 For Coutinho Class frigates delivered from FRG and Spain
6 SPG-34/SPG-50 Fire control radar (1968) 1970-1971 6 For 6 Coutinho frigates; for use with Mk-33 76mm guns
(48) Mk-46 ASW torpedo (1972) 1974-1975 (48) For modified Coutinho (De Andrada) frigates
(120) AIM-9E Sidewinder SRAAM (1976) 1977-1980 (120) For modernized G-91R/3 combat aircraft and possibly T-38A or G-91T trainer aircraft
2 C-130H Hercules Transport aircraft 1976 1977 2
44 M-48A5 Patton Tank 1976 1977-1978 (44) Ex-US; aid
3 C-130H Hercules Transport aircraft 1977 1978 3
10 M-106 Self-propelled mortar 1977 1978 10
(101) M-113 APC 1977 1977-1978 (101) M-113A2 version; incl some tank destroyer version
1 M-88A1 ARV 1977 1978 1
6 T-38 Talon Trainer aircraft 1977 1977 6 Ex-US
216 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1979 1980 (216) Deal incl also 45 launchers; incl some on M-113A2 APC
20 A-7A Corsair-2 FGA aircraft 1980 1981-1982 (20) Ex-US; deal worth $198 m, modernized to A-7P version before delivery; 8 more delivered for spares only
(100) AIM-9J/P Sidewinder SRAAM (1980) 1981-1982 (100) AIM-9P version; for A-7P combat aircraft
(6) M-109A1 155mm Self-propelled gun (1980) 1982 (6) M-109A2 version
6 T-38 Talon Trainer aircraft (1980) 1980 6 Ex-US
1 A-7E Corsair-2 FGA aircraft 1982 1982 1 Ex- US; TA-7C version; loan until delivery of TA-7P in 1984
30 A-7A Corsair-2 FGA aircraft 1983 1984-1985 (30) Ex-US; $234 m deal (incl 15 for spares); modernized to A-7P before delivery; incl 6 to TA-7P
2 Falcon-20D Light transport ac (1984) 1985 2 Second-hand; incl 2 for navaid calibration
3 HR-3000 HADR Air search radar 1985 1988-1990 (3) Part of NATO ‘NADGE’ air survaillance network
5 M-88A1 ARV (1985) 1986-1987 (5)
5 P-3B Orion ASW aircraft 1985 1988 5 Ex-Australian aircraft sold back to US producer and transferred to Portugal; modernized in Portugal to P-3C Update-2 standard as P-3P
1 P-3B Orion ASW aircraft 1985 1988 1 Ex-Australian aircraft sold back to US producer and transferred to Portugal; modernized to P-3C Update-2 standard as P-3P
(48) AIM-7M Sparrow BVRAAM 1986 1991 (48) For MEKO-200 (Da Gama) frigates; RIM-7M Sea Sparrow (SAM) version
2 AN/MPQ-54 Air search radar 1986 1988 (2) Part of deal worth $45 m; for use with Chaparral SAM systems
28 MIM-72C Chaparral SAM 1986 1988 28 Part of $45 m deal; MIM-72F version
3 Mk-15 Phalanx CIWS 1986 1991 3 For 3 MEKO-200 (Vasco da Gama) frigates from FRG; Phalanx Mk-15 Mod-11 version
(48) RGM-84 Harpoon Anti-ship missile 1986 1991 (48) For MEKO-200 (Vasco Da Gama) frigates
(36) M-163 Vulcan SPAAG (1987) 1987-1989 (36) Ex-US
(2) AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder Arty locating radar (1988) 1988 (2)
2 AN/TPS-44 Air search radar 1988 1989-1990 (2) Deal worth $9 m incl 1 Watchman radar; financed by NATO
6 LM-2500 Gas turbine (SH) (1988) 1991 6 For 3 MEKO-200 (Da Gama) frigates from FRG
2 AN/MPQ-54 Air search radar 1989 1990-1991 2
(72) Mk-46 ASW torpedo (1989) 1991-1995 (72) For MEKO-200 (Vasco Da Gama) and 3 modernized Riviere (Belo) frigates; Mk-46 Mod-5 version
5 AN/AQS-18 Dipping sonar 1990 1993 5 For 5 Super Lynx helicopters from UK
20 F-16A FGA aircraft 1990 1994 20 ‘Peace Atlantis’ deal; incl 3 F-16B
5 RDR-1500 MP aircraft radar 1990 1993 5 For 5 Super Lynx helicopters from UK
(25) AGM-65 Maverick ASM 1991 1991 (25)
1 C-130H-30 Hercules Transport aircraft 1991 1991 1
80 M-60A3 Patton-2 Tank 1991 1993 80 Ex-US; ‘CFE Cascade’ aid
2 AN/APS-128 MP aircraft radar 1993 1994 2 For 2 C-212-200MPA MP aircraft delivered from Spain
(13) M-60A3 Patton-2 Tank 1994 1995-1996 13 Ex-US; ‘CFE Cascade’ aid
(30) FIM-92 Stinger Portable SAM (1995) 1996 (30)
(34) M-113 APC (1995) 1996-2000 34 Ex-US; M-577A2 CP version; no. could be 47
21 M-578 ARV 1995 1996 (21) Ex-US; aid
(30) M-30 107mm Mortar (1996) 1996-1997 (30) Ex-US; aid
14 M-109A5 155mm Self-propelled gun (1997) 2001 14 $29 m deal
(8) M-578 ARV 1997 1998 (8) Ex-US; aid
3 M-728 AEV 1997 1998 (3) Ex-US; aid
8 M-106 Self-propelled mortar (1998) 2000 8 Ex-US; aid; M-106A2 version
12 AIM-120C AMRAAM BVRAAM (2002) 2005-2006 (12)
(96) MIM-72C Chaparral SAM (2004) 2006 96 Ex-US; aid; MIM-72G version
(200) Paveway Guided bomb (2007) 2009 (100)
(14) Litening Aircraft El/Op system 2008 2008-2009 (14) Litening-AT version
L: Portugal 3 Dealy Frigate (1962) 1966-1968 3 ‘MDAP Off-shore Procurement Programme’ aid; Portugese designation Da Silva
20 F-16C FGA aircraft 1998 2003-2009 (13) $268 m ‘Peace Atlantis-2’ deal (incl aircraft as aid; 5 more for spares); ex-US F-16OCU rebuilt to F-16AM (F-16C) in Portugal with US kits; incl 4 F-16B
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: Arms Transfer