Julian Davies found the map for The Fight for National Route One – An Incoming Scenario by Barrie Lovell. Thanks Julian.
Crossfire Scenarios
In over 20 years of playing Crossfire, Arty Conliffe’s company level WW2 game, I have only played pick-up games a couple of times. I usually play scenarios – mostly my own. If you’re completely new to the Crossfire then I suggest you try out the Crossfire Freebie 1: Mini-scenarios, Scenario for Novices and Mac’s Crossfire Missions.
Holding the Fort – A Crossfire Scenario and Battle Report
Brett Simpson sent through another small Crossfire Scenario and battle report. This time for “Holding the Fort” where a small German force had to fend off British troops and French resistance forces. It is tiny, there is only one German platoon (although they get a Panther) and two British platoons, which illustrates you can have a good game with Crossfire without a lot of figures.
What Terrain will you need for Dick Bryant’s Six Small Crossfire Scenarios?
Last night I ran Dick Bryant’s Six Small 2’x2′ Crossfire Scenarios tonight for some guys. I thought I’d see what terrain I need to run all six of them simultaneously or, more practically, in pairs.
Operation Whitehall / Assault on Chez Patrick – A Crossfire Battle Report
Brett Simpson has kindly been sharing photos of his Crossfire kit as he builds it up. He is doing some nice scratch building for his scenery.
This time, however, Brett shared the battle report from his first Crossfire game. Called the “Assault on Chez Patrick” after the British objective or “Operation Whitehall” after the British operational code name. Most words are Brett’s.
I made up Cards for Crossfire Missions v2
I designed the PDF of Mac’s Missions v2 – Revised Pick up games for Crossfire so that players can make up a set of cards.
Mac’s Missions v2 – Revised Pick up games for Crossfire
I recently blogged about Mac’s Missions – Pick up games for Crossfire. I’ve made a few tweaks to the system and come up with a version 2. And there is a PDF to download.
Eye of the Tiger – A Crossfire Scenario
My mate Chris asked “Have you considered ASL as a source of Crossfire scenarios? For example the Windy City Wargamers Color Scenario Pack, which includes the classic Eye of the Tiger scenario – which looks ideal as a Crossfire scenario to me.” As it happens I have considered this and have even written up some notes on Converting Advanced Squad Leader to Crossfire. However I’ve never actually done it.
Chris’a question inspired me, so this is my version of “Eye of the Tiger” for Crossfire.
Stalingrad – A Crossfire Scenario
The Crossfire rules includes a Stalingrad scenario. I’ve reproduced it here mainly because I wanted a map that was scaled to match my 3″x3″ Generic Building Sectors rather than the 4″x4″ sectors of the original. I’ve taken the liberty to embellish the scenario a bit.
Help wanted – Please play test my Crossfire Scenarios
Too many of my Crossfire Scenarios are draft and not play tested. This is because this website started as my wargaming notes and everything went on it, including unfinished work no matter how vague. With the move to WordPress I don’t do that any more; I now only post finished pieces. But I still have a lot of unfinished work on the site. Time to go back, tidy them up and most importantly play test them. And I could use some help.
Seestrasse Sector in “Operation Crossfire” – The Scenario
Here is the scenario should you want to play the Seestrasse Sector of Operation Crossfire. It is pretty much all the work of Nikolas Lloyd – the genius architect of Operation Crossfire. I have simply collated material from various emails and put them into my scenario format. I’ll post a Battle Report shortly.
Crossfire 2 Foot Participation Games at SELWG
Last year Dick Bryant published Six Small 2’x2′ Crossfire Scenarios. I’ve played four of them and really like them. Each offers a good tactical challenge but is fast to play taking no more than one hour. Dick intended them as a way to introduce novices to Crossfire. I think they work well for this and hence they are a good option for taking to a show as a participation game(s). So at SELWG 2013 I’m going to give it a go.
Carabanchel – A Crossfire Scenario in the Spanish Civil War
A scenario for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War – set in the Carabanchel Sector as the Nationalists attempt to rush Madrid in early Nov 1936.
Papa Eicke – A Crossfire Scenario
This Crossfire scenario is really an excuse to use my crashed Fieseler Storch objective lovingly painted by Roland Davis. The scenario starts when the Fieseler Storch carrying Obergruppenführer Theodor Eicke is shot down near the Russian lines outside Kharkov. SS Division Totenkopf mount an assault to secure the crash site and recover their commander’s body.