This is a set of fast play rules for the War of Spanish Succession including the campaigns of the Duke of Marlborough.
Twilight of the Sun-King
In 2001 I published a set of Fast-Play Rules for the Marlburian Period on this site. Andrew Coleby took these as a basis, refined them through play testing, and arranged for them to be published. You can buy them from Neil Rennoldson of the Pike and Shot Society.
Design Notes for Twilight of the Sun-King
When writing Twilight of the Sun-King (specifically the original 2001 version) I kept in mind these principles.
Army Lists and Points System for Twilight of the Sun-King
Some suggestions for army lists for my Twilight of the Sun-King rules.
Alternative Army Lists for Twilight of the Sun-King
Some suggestions for army lists. They could be, but weren’t intended to be, used in conjunction with my Twilight of the Sun-King rules.