John Mumby is one of my proof readers, and has also kindly sent through a short battle report. He replayed my Imperialists beat Swedes game of Tilly’s Very Bad Day
The table features a Large Wood, Large Gentle Hill, and Village.
Battle Report
My gaming buddy, Terry Shockey, and I replayed your Imperialists beat Swedes scenario last week.
I gave Terry the choice of armies, but he wanted to dice for them and got the Imperialist. The Swedes (me) won this time.
The village was occupied by Terry for most of the game. He swung out his cavalry on his left flank like in your game. In the end, he realized that he had swung out too far and had little effect on the out come. I did face two of my pike and shotte units to face this flank/rear attack.
In the center, he did not come across of the hill until late in the game.
By the village, my cavalry was attacking his pike and shotte.
We tried the alternate game-ending sequence. He rolled a 6 which, when added to his losses, put him over the top for a loss. That was fortunate for me because he finally did come down from the hill and was 1 move away from knocking out 2 of my guns. His cavalry around the flank was setting up to charge, too.
My guns were peppering his pike and shotte on the hill. He lost two units and a general to them. He thought the guns were too strong 😉 We had a great time. Thanks!
As a reminder each side had 16 units. This game features dragoons, shot, and light horse.
The Imperialists have:
Imperialist Army (Adam)
- Right Wing
- 1 x General
- 2 x Dragoons
- Centre
- 1 x General
- 6 x Pike+shot
- Left Wing
- 1 x General
- 4 x Horse
- 1 x Light horse
The Swedish army has …
Swedish Army (Chris)
- Right Wing
- 1 x General
- 4 x Pike+shot
- 1 x Shot
- 4 x Cannons
- Left Wing
- 1 x General
- 2 x Dragoons
- 1 x Shot
- 2 x Horse