Phase 2 of the Krasny Bor Campaign is for consolidation and each Soviet player has different objectives. It ends at 13.00 hours and is fought on the Rear tables.
Phase 2 starts at the same time as Phase 1 ends, i.e. the same time on the moving clock, and ends at 13.00 hours. Fields and orchards are out-of-season. Any 3+ sector building is a building complex in crossfire terms, e.g. Paper Factory, Hospital and Spanish HQ.
Spanish Player Briefing (Defending)
Forces Available
- At least 1 company of riflemen as per the Spanish pre-planning.
- 3 x Snipers
- Stragglers and Survivors from Phase 1
The number of Stragglers and Survivors from Phase 1 is tied to the number of companies on the front table.
Deployed on front table | Stragglers and Survivors on rear table |
1 infantry company | 1 x Rifle platoon: PC (*), 3 x Rifle, one with ATR |
2 infantry companies | CC (+2), HMG, + 2 x Rifle platoons |
3 infantry companies | CC (+2), HMG, + 3 x Rifle platoons |
HMG company | +1 x HMG stand |
* Throw 1d6 for the rating of each PC contributed by the Straggler and Survivors: 1-4 = PC (+1); 5-6 = PC (+2).
Any of the pre-planned stands may have an entrenchment, but the stragglers and survivors cannot.
Deploys first, on the game board between line A-A and the Spanish base edge (bottom edge). Stragglers and Survivors deploy visible between the lines A-A and B-B. Other troops can deploy hidden anywhere in that area.
Reinforcements are available in two ways:
Moving from another rear table. First the troops must move off the base edge of their originating table. They then arrive on the base edge of the new table on a 5+ at the start of any friendly initiative.
Via random events.
Soviet Player Briefing (Attacking)
Begins scenario with initiative.
Forces Available
At least Battalion Wave 4, preceded by Battalion Waves 2 or 3 if they infiltrated during Phase 1.
Any Central Reserve Assets that infiltrated during Phase 1. They must be assigned to a new Battalion Wave before Phase 2 starts.
Optionally a Pre-planned Bombardment. The PPB on the rear tables can be in both Spanish sectors, but it can’t hurt any Stragglers and Survivors as they wouldn’t have been there when the PPB came in, i.e. only hidden troops can be hurt by the PPB.
Battalion Waves will include any Divisional or Central reserve assets attached as part of pre-game planning. Only one Battalion Wave is allow on-table at a time.
Deploys second, with at least one company on-table between the Soviet base edge (top edge) and line A-A.
Central Reserve: If all Soviet players agree, assets retained in Central Reserve will arrive on a 6 on 1d6 at the start of any friendly initiative.
Divisional Reserve: Assets retained in Divisional Reserve will arrive on 5-6 on 1d6 at the start of any friendly initiative. SMG companies and Pioneer Platoons replace an equivalent sized formation using the Human Wave Tactics rule.
Battalion Waves: The entire on-table Battalion can be replaced using Human Wave Tactics. This can happen in any initiative the player chooses or may be forced by random events.
Local Reserves: Any elements of the initial Battalion Wave that are left off table at deployment can arrive on the Soviet game board edge on a role of 4+ at the start of any friendly initiative. Each company must roll separately to arrive, and arrives all at once. HQ stands may accompany any arriving company.
Random Events
Immediately the Moving Clock moves the Soviet Player rolls to see if any random events occur.
1d6 | Phase 2 Random Event |
1 | Axis Reinforcements |
2 | German Air support |
3 | Nothing |
4-6 | Soviets Replace weakened Battalion Wave |
Axis Reinforcements
Spanish receive reinforcements in the next friendly initiative. Throw 1d6 again for the type: 1-3 Rifle Platoon; 4 HMG Company; 5 StuG III; 6 Pz IV.
Note: Historically there was no German armour available.
German Air support
Spanish player immediately gets one German fighter-bomber which immediately attacks the Soviets and then flies off. A plane’s bomb load is roughly analogous to the FM of artillery; it has 3 bombs (5/3 HE/EFF), plus machineguns (3 x 4d6). The plane sweeps in a straight line across the table, attacking targets along its route. The player must declare how many bombs are being dropped on a particular target before any dice are rolled. Once all bombs have been dropped the plane is restricted to strafing with its machine guns; strafing is not possible before all bombs are dropped. As with artillery fire, failure to suppress or kill with an aircraft’s attacks does not end the phasing player’s initiative. No anti-aircraft fire is possible.
Soviets replace weakened Battalion Wave
The Soviets must use their current initiative to replace the on-table Battalion Wave using the Human Wave Tactics rule if both of the following conditions apply:
- Battalion Wave has 20 or more Squads, Crew Served Weapons, CC or BC (but not PC or FO) killed
- Battalion Wave 2 or 3 is still available off-table.
Table 1-Rear: Paper Factory
Victory Conditions
The Soviets win if they have troops in:
- The six sector Building Complex of the Paper Factory.
- The building marked with an X in Watskorowo. .
- The building marked with an X in Petrowschtschina. .
They must do this while taking less than 20 casualties with the on-table Battalion Wave (even if they still have an intact Battalion Wave off–table). If they occupy 2 features with less than 20 casualties it is a draw. Any other result is a Spanish win. Casualties are Killed squads, crew served weapons, CC, BC, vehicles, but not killed PCs or FOs or any suppressed stands.
Scenario Special Rules
The Ishora River is frozen. It does not provide cover nor block LOS. It counts as multiple features for movement. Treat the river section in each grid on the map as a feature for movement purposes, so moving along the river will take a long time, but moving across it is relatively easy.
Table 2-Rear: Moscow-to-Leningrad Highway
Victory Conditions
Nominally the Soviets must clear the Moscow-to-Leningrad Highway of Spanish forces. To simulate this the Soviets must occupy the three features marked with an X while taking less than 20 casualties with the on-table Battalion Wave (even if they still have an intact Battalion Wave off–table). If they occupy 2 features with less than 20 casualties it is a draw. Any other result is a Spanish win. Casualties are Killed squads, crew served weapons, CC, BC, vehicles, but not killed PCs or FOs or any suppressed stands.
Scenario Special Rules
Table 3-Rear: In the streets of Krasny Bor
I handed out the Pre-bombardment map before the game, and the post-bombardment map on the day of the game.
Victory Conditions
The Spanish win if they have troops in both the Hospital and the command post of the Spanish 262 Regiment (both on the southern side of Krasny Bor); if they have troops in neither the Soviets win. Any other result is a draw.
Scenario Special Rules
Additional Spanish forces
- 1 x SMG platoon: PC (+2), 3 x SMG squads (men of 1st Light Artillery Group)
- HQ of 262 Regiment (Colonel Sagrado): 1 x BC (+2), 1 x SMG
All groups of 3 or more building sections are Building Complexes; this includes the Hospital and the HQ.
Table 4-Rear: The swamp
Victory Conditions
Nominally the Soviets must remove the Spanish threat to the October railway (immediately to the left of the map). To simulate this the Soviets must occupy the three features marked with an X while taking less than 20 casualties with the on-table Battalion Wave (even if they still have an intact Battalion Wave off–table). If they occupy 2 features with less than 20 casualties it is a draw. Any other result is a Spanish win. Casualties are Killed squads, crew served weapons, CC, BC, vehicles, but not killed PCs or FOs or any suppressed stands.
Scenario Special Rules