John Fletcher published a scenario for the Battle of Gavilan on the Liberators 1810-1830 Yahoo Discussion Forum (in the files section). This is my version for Liberators HOTT.
1817 Gavilan
At the Battle of Gavilán (5 May 1817), in Chile, a Patriot force under Colonel Las Heras soundly defeated Colonel Ordonez’s Royalist force. The battle is also called Cerro Gavilán – in both cases it is named after the hill on which the Royalists deployed.
Steven’s 1817 Royalist Army on Big Bases
I have rebased my 1817 Royalists on big bases. So I took the opportunity to do a photo shoot including some units I’d not featured before.
This is the army that got smashed at Battle of Chacabuco (12 Feb 1817). I’ve also included the units for the Alternative Chacabuco Scenario in Fletcher (2006).
Steven’s 1817-18 Argentine Army on Big Bases
I have rebased my Argentine Army of the South American Wars of Liberation on Big Bases. All infantry and cavalry on 80mm x 40mm bases. 12 figures per infantry base; two bases to a battalion. 6 figures per cavalry base/squadron. Guns stayed on 40mm x 40mm bases; one gun per base.
Gavilan – A Liberators HOTT Battle Report
Back in December 2012 I played the Gavilan scenario for Liberators HOTT. I didn’t write up the battle because I was in the midst of converting this site to WordPress. But I recently rediscovered the photos and thought I’d share a few.
Gavilan – A Liberators QPR Battle Report
Chris Harrod and I played the Gavilan scenario for Liberators QPR. I was the defending Patriots and Chris the Royalists. It was great fun but another epic in terms of play time. The Patriots won. We’re not sure the Royalists can win even with beefing up Morgado’s forces.
Setting: Gavilan Hill, Conception, Chile; 5 May 1817
Wargaming the Battle of Gavilan 5 May 1817
John Fletcher has published a scenario for the Battle of Gavilan (5 May 1817). I’ve got supplementary notes related to wargaming that scenario in various places and this post points to them.
Gavilan Scenario for Liberators QPR
John Fletcher published a scenario for the Battle of Gavilan on the Liberators 1810-1830 Yahoo Discussion Forum (in the files section). The scenario is nominally for Liberators Quick Play Rules and I have rewritten based on the anticipation of play testing on a smaller table.
Steven’s Royalist Army for the South American Wars of Liberation
This is my Royalist army from my 1817-18 Chilean Project. Roland is working on the Patriots including the Argentines and Chileans. I’m painting the Royalists.
Steven’s Argentine Army of the South American Wars of Liberation
This is the Argentine element of San Martin’s Army of the Andes from my 1817-18 Chilean Project.