Republican orders of battle for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War.
My specialty is the Military History of Spain and Portugal. The Spanish bits that seem to interest people the most are Carlist Wars, Rif Wars, Spanish Civil War and the Spanish involvement in WWII (mostly the Blue Division).
Nationalist Order of Battle for Fuego Cruzado
Nationalist orders of battle for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War.
Paramilitary Order of Battle for Fuego Cruzado
Paramilitary orders of battle for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War. These guys fought on both sides of the war, either Nationalist or Republicans.
Generic Order of Battle for Fuego Cruzado
Generic orders of battle for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War.
Order of Battle for Fuego Cruzado
The Spanish Civil had a lot in common with WWII, but there were some key differences. I’ve got a separate page on the historical Spanish Civil War Order of Battle. Here I have attempted to explain the organisation of the dominant formations as they would appear in Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for Spain’s wars.
Orders of Battle during the First Carlist War
Here you’ll find a rough sketch of the overall military organisation for each of the major protagonists. I’ve included orders of battle for:
Glossary of Terms for the Carlist Wars
Glossary of terms for the First of the Carlist Wars.
First Carlist War 1833-40
The 19th Century saw a rash of civil wars in Spain and Portugal. Essentially these pitted progressive constitutionalists against authoritarian absolutists in the guise of a dispute on royal succession. Although now little known outside Spain or Portugal, in their time these wars were international in flavour. The other European nations looked on with considerable interest, and forces from Portugal, Spain, Britain, and France were involved.
La Marcha – The Beginning of the Spanish Civil War – A Timeline
This is my timeline for the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. “La Marcha” (the march) is the term used for the Army of Africa’s march on Madrid (1 Aug – 23 Nov 1936). Although called a march initially the reality was convoys of trucks travelling at high speed down the nations highways, hence my preference for the term “Drive on Madrid”.
Geography of the First Carlist War
Much of the war took place in the Basque provinces in the north of Spain, and I thought it worth describing it a bit. One of the British soldiers who fought there was rather taken by the local scenery:
Sources for the Spanish Civil War
An annotated bibliography for the Spanish Civil War.
Wargames Rules for the Spanish Civil War
Here are my thoughts on wargaming rules for the Spanish Civil War.
Which Peter Pig Spanish Civil War figures to use for what
I made up this table to help me decide what figures to buy for my Spanish Civil War project. A Yes indicates that at least some figures can be used for that troop type.
15mm Wargaming Figures for the First Carlist War
You can now buy specialist figures for the First of the Carlist Wars from a variety of companies.
Spanish Civil War Painting Guide: Republican
This is my painting guide for the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. See the overall Painting Guide for general colour suggestions.