the 1948 Arab-Israeli War interests me because the battles were small unit actions under strong leaders to gain local tactical advantage, plus I get to use a variety of World War II material in a mix-n-match kind of way.
Arab-Israeli Wars
There have been seven Arab-Israeli Wars so far (1948 to now), plus innumerable military operations and two Palestinian uprisings. Terrorism, infiltration and insurgency, and the relevant counter-measures, have also been a key component of the Arab-Israeli conflict. I’ve included the Lebanese Civil War because it is the back drop for the events in 1978 and 1982. Most of my material is on 1948.
Sub-categories: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and Lebanon.
Israeli Order of Battle in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
Israeli order of battle for the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
15mm Wargaming Figures for the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
I’m gearing up to do the 1948 Arab-Israeli War using 15mm and the Crossfire rules. I’m going to simplify my life by getting a generic Israeli Battalion and a generic Arab battalion. By and large I’ll be using Battle Front miniatures, but with a mix of Peter Pig for small numbers of specialist figures.
Arab Order of Battle in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War
I have struggled to find information on the Arab order of battle for the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. This is what I’ve found so far.
Sinai Campaign and Operation Kadesh
Called variously the 1956 War, the Sinai Campaign, Operation Kadesh (after the IDF codename), and the 100 hours war (the length of time it took the Israeli’s to win). Egypt, Syria and Jordan were planning a joint war on Israeli, however, events took a different turn. Egypt had nationalised the Suez Canal – thus offending … Read more