I quite like the idea of playing Nordlingen. This order of battle was from From Slitherine Forum: Nordlingen After Action Report. I have:
- Translated to the Troop Names in the relevant FOG lists
- Included the full troop description (rather than just, for example, “2Pk + 4Mq (Average 42 points)”)
- Aligned the troop descriptions with the FOG lists, e.g. Saxon infantry of the period should have armoured Pikes
- Formatted using my normal Orbat format
- Checked the points
Protestant Forces
Infantry: 548 points
Green Brigade – (Germany) 3Pk + 4Mq (Superior + Reg.Gun 90 points)
Blue Brigade – (Scottish) 3Pk + 4 Mq (Superior + Reg.Gun 90 points)
Yellow Brigade – (Swedish) 3Pk + 4Mq( Superior + Reg.Gun 90 points)
3 Musketeers Companies 2Mq each (48 points) Average; Salvo; Salvo
Brigade “Swedish” – (German) 3Pk + 4Mq (Average 54 points)
Regiment Saxon 2Pk + 4Mq (Average 42 points)
Regiment Saxon 2Pk + 4Mq (Average 42 points)
Regiment Saxon 2Pk + 4Mq (Superior 60 points)
2 Musketeer companies 2Mq each (Average 32 points)
Cavalry: 464 points
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (84 points) Determ.H; Arm; Superior; Pistol; Pistol
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (84 points) Determ.H; Arm; Superior; Pistol; Pistol
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (60 points) Determ.H; Arm; Average; Pistol; Pistol
Arquebusiers (4 Cv) (44 points) Arm; Average; Carbine; Pistol
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (64 points) H.Arm; Superior; Pistol; Pistol
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (40 points) Arm; Average; Pistol; Pistol
Arquebusiers (4 Cv) (44 points) Arm; Average; Carbine; Pistol
Arquebusiers (4 Cv) (44 points) Arm; Average; Carbine; Pistol
Artillery: 160 points
4 batteries Medium Artillery (2 bases each) Average
Commanders: 120 points
Total de points Protestants = 1.292 points
Protestant Orbat
Swedish and Saxon
- 1 x Field Commander @ 50 pts
- 2 x Troop Commander @ 35 pts
- Swedish Cavalry
- 2 x Swedish laata ryttare @ 84 pts: 4 x Determined Horse, Armoured, Superior, Pistol (Impact, Melee)
- 1 x Veteran German cavalry @ 60 pts: 4 x Determined Horse, Armoured, Average, Pistol (Impact, Melee)
- 1 x Mercenary karbinryttare @ 44 pts: 4 x Horse, Armoured, Average, Carbine, Pistol (Melee)
- Saxon Cavalry
- 1 x Kurassiere @ 64 pts: 4 x Horse, Heavily Armoured, Superior, Pistol (Impact, Melee)
- 1 x Kurassiere @ 40 pts: 4 x Horse, Armoured, Average, Pistol (Impact, Melee)
- 2 x Bandellier Reiter @ 44 pts: 4 x Horse, Armoured, Average, Carbine, Pistol (Melee)
- Swedish Infantry
- 3 x Veteran “colour regiments” (Green/German, Blue/Scottish, Yellow/Swedish) @ 83 pts:
- 3 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Superior, Pike
- 4 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Superior, Salvo
- 1 x Regimental gun, Superior
- 3 x Commanded Shot @ 16 pts: 2 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Average, Salvo
- 3 x Veteran “colour regiments” (Green/German, Blue/Scottish, Yellow/Swedish) @ 83 pts:
- Saxon Infantry
- 1 x German in Swedish Brigade @ 50 pts:
- 3 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Average, Pike
- 4 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Average, Salvo
- 1 x Veteran Infantry Regiment @ 62 pts:
- 2 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Superior, Pike
- 4 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Superior, Musket
- 2 x Infantry Regiment @ 44 pts:
- 2 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Average, Pike
- 4 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Average, Musket
- 2 x Commanded Shot @ 16 pts: 2 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Average, Musket
- 1 x German in Swedish Brigade @ 50 pts:
- 4 x 12-pounder guns @ 40 pts: 2 x Medium Artillery, Average
- 1 x Unfortified Camp @ 0 pts
- 24 Battle Groups; 1273 Points
Catholic Forces
Infantry: 613 points
Spanish Infantry
Tércio de Toralto (Napolitano) 3Pk + 6Mq (Elite 111 points)
Regiment Coronel Wurmser 2Pk + 4Mq (Poor 30 points)
Regiment Coronel Salm 2Pk + 4Mq (Poor 30 points)
Tércio de Idiaquez (Spanish) 3Pk + 6Mq (Elite 111 points)
Imperialist Infantry
Tércio de Fuenclara (Spanish) 3Pk + 6Mq (Elite 111 points)
Tércio de Guasco (Lombardia) 3Pk + 6Mq (Average 66 points)
Regiment Schwarzenberg 2Pk + 4Mq (Superior 62 points)
Regiment German 2Pk + 4Mq (Average 44 points)
3 Musketeer companies 2Mq each (Average 48 points)
Cavalry: 428 points
Gendarmes (4 Cv) (84 points) H.Arm; Superior; Light Lancers; Swordsmen
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (64 points) H.Arm; Superior; Pistol; Pistol
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (48 points) H.Arm; Average; Pistol; Pistol
Arquebusiers (4 Cv) (44 points) Arm; Average; Carbine; Pistol
Cuirassiers (4 Cv) (64 points) H.Arm; Superior; Pistol; Pistol
Arquebusiers (4 Cv) (44 points) Arm; Average; Carbine; Pistol
Arquebusiers (4 Cv) (44 points) Arm; Average; Carbine; Pistol
Croats (4 Lh) ( 36 points) Unarmoured; Average; Carbine; Pistol
Artillery: 120 + 18 = 138 points
3 batteries Medium Artillery (2 Bases) (Average 120 points)
6 field fortifications (3×6=18 points)
Commanders: 120 points
Total points Imperialist = 1.299 points
Catholic Orbat
Spanish and Imperialists
- 1 x Field Commander @ 50 pts
- 2 x Troop Commander @ 35 pts
- Spanish Infantry
- 2 x Tercios Viejos Espanoles (Toralto/Napolitano, Idiaquez/Spanish) @ 111 pts:
- 3 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Elite, Pike
- 6 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Elite, Musket
- 2 x Poor Infantry Regiments (Coronel Wurmser & Salm) @ 30 pts:
- 2 x Heavy Foot, Unarmoured, Poor, Pike
- 4 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Poor, Musket
- 2 x Tercios Viejos Espanoles (Toralto/Napolitano, Idiaquez/Spanish) @ 111 pts:
- Imperialist Infantry
- 1 x Tércio de Fuenclara (Spanish) @ 111 pts:
- 3 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Elite, Pike
- 6 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Elite, Musket
- 1 x Tércio de Guasco (Lombardia) @ 66 pts:
- 3 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Average, Pike
- 6 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Average, Musket
- 1 x Schwarzenberg Infantry Regiment @ 62 pts:
- 2 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Superior, Pike
- 4 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Superior, Musket
- 1 x German Infantry Regiment @ 44 pts:
- 2 x Heavy Foot, Armoured, Average, Pike
- 4 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Average, Musket
- 3 x Commanded Shot @ 16 pts: 2 x Medium Foot, Unarmoured, Average, Musket
- 1 x Tércio de Fuenclara (Spanish) @ 111 pts:
- Spanish Cavalry
- 1 x Guardias Viejas @ 84 pts: 4 x Gendarmes, Heavily Armoured, Superior, Light Lancers, Swordsmen
- 1 x Caballos Corazas @ 64 pts: 4 x Horse, Heavily Armoured, Superior, Pistol (Impact, Melee)
- 1 x Caballos Corazas @ 48 pts: 4 x Horse, Heavily Armoured, Average, Pistol (Impact, Melee)
- 1 x Arquebusiers @ 44 pts: 4 x Horse, Armoured, Average, Carbine, Pistol (Melee)
- Imperialist Cavalry
- 1 x Kurassiere @ 64 pts: 4 x Horse, Heavily Armoured, Superior, Pistol (Impact, Melee)
- 2 x Bandalier Reiter @ 44 pts: 4 x Horse, Armoured, Average, Carbine, Pistol (Melee)
- 1 x Croats @ 36 pts: 4 x Light Horse, Unarmoured, Average, Carbine, Pistol (Melee)
- 3 x Field Guns @ 40 pts: 2 x Medium Artillery, Average
- 6 x Breastworks and Redoubts @ 3 pts
- 1 x Unfortified Camp @ 0 pts
- 22 Battle Groups; 1299 Points