I’m in the process of building the armies the Oriamendi Campaign. This involves both the British Auxiliary Legion and the French Foreign Legion, plus a good cross section of Spanish troops. My armies are based on the Orders of Battle for the Oriamendi Campaign. Initially they cover all the troops mentioned for the Battle of Oriamendi (Hernani), plus some significant extras from supporting forces … like the Cristino Guard Division and the French Foreign Legion.
Roland Davis painted my armies – and fantastic they are too – and Wayne Turner converted the figures (berets and belly boxes).
I used converted 15 mm ACW and Napoleonic figures for Carlists and primarily Napoleonic figures for Cristinos. For more details see the Figures page. Basing is a consistent 30mm frontage.
My armies are for Boina: A Shako Variant for the Carlist War and are based on the Orders of Battle for the Oriamendi Offensive. My initial focus is getting the figures for the Battle of Oriamendi. After that I’ll expand to get all figures for the Oriamendi campaign in general, for example adding the like of the Cristino Guard Division and the French Foreign Legion.
See also