Steven’s 1815 Royalist Army on Big Bases

Liberators-876 Royalist 1815 Partidario Battalion - Column - Banner

My thoughts on Using Big Base Liberators Figures of 1817-18 for 1815 highlighted a few gaps that I needed to fill before I could refight Sipe Sipe. I could use some figures from my Royalists of 1817 and 1818 but there were a fair few units that didn’t have a direct equivalent. That gave me an excuse to get some more. Okay, it isn’t hard to convince me to get more figures – in this case it just took some fancy uniforms that aren’t seen in other years of the Wars of South American Liberation.

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Steven’s 1818 Royalist Army on Big Bases

Liberators-928 Royalist 1818 Infante Don Carlos Regiment - Column - Banner

I have rebased my 1818 Royalists on big bases, so I took the opportunity to do a photo shoot including some units I’d not featured before. This is the army that won at the Battle of Cancha Rayada (19 March 1818) and lost to San Martin at the Battle of Maipo (5 April 1818). For those interest in the earlier armies I’ve also got the Royalist army for 1817.

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How to Arrange Peninsular Infantry on Big Bases

PEN-201 Peninsular Battalion on Big Bases - Banner

A couple of years ago I put my few Peninsular War figures on big bases. Some French Dragoons and various Spanish new battalions. Now that I’m trying to finish my Albuera project I’m going to supplement these with more figures. Before I do that I have to decide, exactly, how to deal with the company distinctions of the various nations. The French, who gave each company in the battalion, including the fusilier companies, pose particular challenges.

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Steven’s 1817 Royalist Army on Big Bases

1817-08 Conception Regiment - Column - Banner

I have rebased my 1817 Royalists on big bases. So I took the opportunity to do a photo shoot including some units I’d not featured before.

This is the army that got smashed at Battle of Chacabuco (12 Feb 1817). I’ve also included the units for the Alternative Chacabuco Scenario in Fletcher (2006).

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Tucuman – A Liberators HOTT Battle Report

Tucuman-143 Patriots left pivots backwards - Banner

Chris Harrod and I played my Tucuman Scenario for Liberators HOTT. I was the attacking Royalists trying to reach Tucuman. Chris had the Argentine Patriots. Nice little game let down my a bit of incompetence on my part. Victory to the Patriots.

The game also saw the christening of my new wargaming table and my new 1815 Liberators armies.

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446 AD Suevi versus Vandal – A Red Spear, Black Crow Battle Report

446AD-43 Suevi charge across stream - Banner

The fourth game in our Fall of Hispania Campaign occurred in 446 AD, 29 peaceful game years after the last battle. Chris Harrod rolled Suevi and I got Vandal. The rules were the draft version of Red Spear, Black Crow from Morningstar Productions.

The summary is: Interesting rules, violent battle which could have gone either way, but eventual victory for the Vandals.

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417 AD Visigoths versus Roman – A Dux Bellorum Battle Report

417AD-23 Visigothic King stocks up on Leadership Points - Banner

It is 417 AD in our Fall of Hispania Campaign, four game years since our last battle. I rolled the Visigoths again but this time Chris Harrod got Late Roman. The rules were Dux Bellorum.

The summary is: Being new to the rules I assumed the hill was difficult terrain, deployed accordingly, realised too late I was wrong, and then watched as Chris rolled over my hastily improvised battle line.

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413 AD Visigoths versus Vandals – A Big Base DBA Battle Report

413AD-04 Vandals - Banner

Chris Harrod and I finally got around to playing another game of the Fall of Hispania Campaign based on these campaign rules. Four game years have passed since the first game so the nominal campaign date is 413 AD. Tragically it has also been four real years since we played the first game. Chris rolled Vandals and I got Visigoths. The rules were Big Base DBA.

The summary is: Short game with the Visigoth wedges smashing through the Vandal shieldwall.

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Steven’s 1817-18 Argentine Army on Big Bases

Liberators-674 Argentine 1817 7th Infantry Regiment - Banner

I have rebased my Argentine Army of the South American Wars of Liberation on Big Bases. All infantry and cavalry on 80mm x 40mm bases. 12 figures per infantry base; two bases to a battalion. 6 figures per cavalry base/squadron. Guns stayed on 40mm x 40mm bases; one gun per base.

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