Split into Poor (basically infantry) and Rich (i.e. cavalry, officers, and generals).
Poor Romans
Includes most Hastati/Principes (Blades), Triarii (Spear), Velites/Leves (Psiloi)
Note: foot officers are covered in the section on rich people.
Item | Description |
Tunic | Base material: White Generally painting guides suggest Romans wore coloured tunics during the Punic Wars, red being the most likely contender; Head (1982) suggests red for example. However, There is an on-going debate in academic circles about the tunic colour in the Late Roman Empire, and I find the “white” argument more convincing and apply the same logic to the Republic. Dye was expensive making white or off-white far more probable for state issued gear. . |
Hair (their own) | Black or dark brown |
Body Armour | Mail: Iron Plate (square or corslet): Bronze |
Greaves (leg guard) | Bronze |
Helmet | Bowl: Bronze Crest: Two black & one red feather |
Shield | Face: Red* with no pattern. The wooden spine should also be red. Boss: Iron * Generally painting guides suggest giving Romans shields of various plain colours, possibly varied by unit. All Head (1982) does is cite a light-brown illustration, and a red illustration although the latter is for non-Roman troops armed in Roman style. For better or worse I chose a standard red for my Romans; in hindsight I might do something different now. |
Sword and dagger | Handle: Ivory or wood Scabbard: Bronze Blade: Steel |
Javelin, pilum, spear | Haft: Wood Shaft + Blade: Steel |
Standard | Emblem: Silver Haft: Wood |
Trumpet | Bronze |
Sandals + straps + belt | Base material: Leather Fittings: Bronze |
Wolf skin | Wolf – now there’s a thing |
Rich Romans: Foot Officer, Cavalry, Generals, Consul
My Rich figures are:
- Foot officer = guy with rimmed, round shield and cloak (Essex Miniatures).
- Roman Cavalry trooper = guy with sword raised and separate shields (Battle Honours Miniatures)
- Ordinary General = guys with empty hand raised (Essex Miniatures)
- Consul = guy in wrap around cloak (Essex Miniatures from Greek range)
As Roman infantry (above) except
Item | Description |
Tunic | Base material: Red |
Cloak | Base material: Red (Purple for Consul) |
Helmet | Crest: Red, black, or white; or alternate these colours |
Shield | Face: Red with no pattern. Rim: Bronze |
Body armour | Pteruges (leather strips from arms and waist; if worn): White (?) |