Ranville and Orne River Bridge – A Crossfire Scenario

A Crossfire scenario set on D-Day featuring 12th Parachute Battalion holding the bridge over the Orne River at Ranville until the 1st Special Service Brigade arrives.

Historical Situation

Setting: Ranville, France; 6 Jun 1944

At 0015 hours on 6 June 1944, D-Day, three Horsa gliders landed along side the Caen Canal bridge – later known as Pegasus Bridge – whilst another two landed next to the River Orne bridge. The gliders carried D company, 2nd Battalion Ox and Bucks, plus a detachment of Royal Engineers – the Coup de main force of the entire allied offensive. They quickly captured their objectives from the second rate Axis defenders. .

The pathfinders of the British 6th Airborne Division dropped immediately afterwards to mark the LZ for their compatriots. At 0050 hours the 5th Parachute Brigade dropped and by 0420 had established a perimeter around the two bridges. The 12th Parachute Battalion and their Bridge HQ were located at Ranville, and the 7th Parachute Battlaion in Bénouville west of the Caen Canal Bridge.

The Germans counter attacked throughout the day. At Bénouville the 7th Parachute Battalion fought off elements of 716 Infantry Division supported by units of 21 Panzer Division.

At Ranville, when 21 Panzer Division was finally let off the Fuhrer’s leash, Kampfgruppe von Luck achieved some surprise against the 12th and 13th Parachute Battalions. They made good progress as far as Escouville and one German tank even reached the outskirts of Ranville, however, mounting casualties – many from Naval gunfire – forced von Luck to withdraw. 12th Parachute Battalion was also mauled in the fighting,

At 1330 hours men of 1st Special Service Brigade reached the positions of 5th Parachute Brigade. 6 Commando reinforced 12th Parachute Battalion in Ranville.


Key features are:

  • Played on large table (14′ x 6.5′) lengthways. Long side is N-S.
  • Hedges (not Bocage) are common.
  • Ranville is toward the north edge of the table.
  • Two hills give a commanding view of the approaches to Ranville.
  • Herouvillette is to the south of the hills.
  • The River Orne bisects a small part of the table in the north-west corner.
  • A Bridge – the objective – crosses the Orne river.
  • A north-south road connects Herouvillette and Ranville. (there are other insignificant roads)

British Player (Defending)


Hold the Orne River Bridge, Ranville and Herouvillette.

Forces Available

5th Parachute Brigade HQ (Veteran)

1 x RC (+1)
2 x FO for off-table naval artillery (see Special Rules)

2 x Parachute Battalions (12th, 13th) (Veteran)

1 x BC (+1)
1 x SMG Squad
2 x FO for off-table 3″ mortar
1 x HMG
1 x Recon SMG Platoon (+1 PC, 2 x SMG, one with Piat)
1 x Engineer Platoon (+1 PC, 2 x Rifle, one with Piat)
3 x Parachute Companies

1 x CC (+1)
1 x on-table 2″ mortar or FO for off table mortar
3 x Rifle Platoons (+1 PC, 2 x Rifle, one with Piat)

22nd Independent Parachute Company (Veteran)

1 x CC (+1)
1 x on-table 2″ mortar or FO for off table mortar
3 x Rifle Platoons (+1 PC, 2 x Rifle, one with Piat)

These chaps were the Divisional pathfinders, hence are Recon troops; not that that helps the British.

4th Air Landed Anti-tank Battery RA (Veteran)

1 x 17 pounder ATG (optional Morris prime mover)
2 x 6 pounder ATG (optional Jeep)

Command and Control: as Germans


Deploys first . All British stands deploy hidden from Herouvillette north.

12th Parachute Battalion must deploy west of the Herouvillette to Ranville road. 13th Parachute Battalion must deploy to the east of this road. 22nd Independent Parachute Company and the Regimental Commander must deploy in Ranville. FO and ATG can deploy anywhere from Herouvillette north.


Arrives on the Orne River Bridge after 60 clock ticks.

6 Commando, 1st Special Service Brigade (Veteran)

1 x BC (+2)
1 x SMG Squad
1 x on-table 2″ mortar or FO for off table mortar
1 x FO for off-table 3″ mortar
2 x HMG
5 x Commando Troop

1 x CC (+2)
2 x Rifle Platoons (+2 PC, 2 x Rifle, one with Piat)

German Player (Attacking)

Begins scenario with initiative.


Capture the Orne River Bridge, Ranville and Herouvillette.

Forces Available

Kampfgruppe von Luck – 21 Panzer Division.

II Battalion, Panzer Grenadier Regiment 125 (Regular)

Headquarters and Support, comprising:

1 BC (+2)
1 SMG Squad

3 x Panzer Grenadier Companies (5th, 6th, 7th), comprising:

1 x CC (+2)
1 x HMG
1 x P107 Half-track with MG only
1 x Rifle Platoon (+2 PC, 3 x Rifle, one with Panzershreck)
2 x Rifle Platoons (+1 PC, 3 x Rifle, one with Early Panzerfaust)

8th Company

1 x on-table Somua half-track with 75mm Pak40 ATG
1 x on-table P107 half-track with 20mm AA gun

Support Companies (9th, 10th) of Panzer Grenadier Regiment 125 (Regular)

1 x FO for off table Somua multi-barrel mortar half track (treat as 120mm mortar; 12 FM)

1 x FO for off table 15.0cm Lorraine SP IG (4 FM)

Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion 21 (Regular)

1st Company

3 x Sdkfz 250/9 (20 mm) half-track

2nd Company

2 x Sdkfz 222 (20 mm ) armoured car
1 x Sdkfz 232 (20 mm) armoured car
1 x Sdkfz 233 (short 7.5 cm) armroured car

3rd Company

1 x Sdkfz 250/10 (3.7 cm) half-track
1 x CC (+2)
1 x 250/1 Half-track with MG only
2 x Recon Rifle Platoons (+1 PC, 3 x Rifle, one with Early Panzerfaust)

4th Company

1 x Sdkfz 250/7 (81 mm mortar) half-track
1 x CC (+2)
1 x 250/1 Half-track with MG only
2 x Recon Rifle Platoons (+1 PC, 3 x Rifle, one with Early Panzerfaust)

5th Company

1 x Sdkfz 250/9 (short 7.5 cm) half-track

4th Company Panzer Regiment 22

3 x Panzer IV H

Anti-tank Battalion 200

2 x 8.8 cm Pak 43 ATG (optional French prime mover)

1st Battalion Panzer Artillery Regiment 155

1 x FO for off table 122mm Russian Howizter (4 FM)
1 x FO for off table 100mm Howitzer (10 FM)


Deploys second. Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion 21 deploys along southern table edge on initiative one. Other units follow.



Victory Conditions

There are three objectives in the game. That in Herouvillette is worth one Victory Point (VP), that in Ranville worth 2 VP, and the Orne River Bridge is worth 3 VP. The side with the most VP at the end of the game is the winner; if both sides score 3 VP it is a draw.

Scenario Special Rules

  • Recon Troops succeed at RBF on 5+.
  • Special Rule: Clock ticks are in use. At the end of the defender’s initiative 1d6 is added to the Clock; when the Clock reaches a certain number special events occur, or the game ends. For example, the German player might throw 3 at the end of their first initiative; this corresponds to 3 clock ticks. A 6 at the end of the second initiative means a total of 9 clock ticks have passed. In this game each Short Clock Tick corresponds to about 1.5 minutes. The game ends after 360 clock ticks.
  • Naval artillery support is only available after 40 clock ticks have passed. Each Naval FO can bring in the equivalent of 2 lots of heavy artillery on the same target. There is unlimited FM, but an FO can not bring in a barrage on two consecutive friendly initiatives.


Terrain objectives

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