The Roman army list for DBA during the Macedonian Wars, Punic Wars and Iberian Wars is II/33 Polybian Roman. This looks like a Consular army with two legions and two allied wings (ala). So roughly half of each troop type would be Roman and the other half Latin. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
Punic Wars
The Rising Power of Rome fought three bitter wars with Carthage over the western Mediterranean – the Punic Wars. Rome triumphed and Carthage was destroyed. The wars were First Punic War (264 to 241 BC), Second Punic War (218 to 201 BC), Third Punic War (149 to 146 BC). Between the first two of these Carthage also fought the Mercenary War (240–238 BC).
DBA II/27 Pyrrhic 300BC-272BC
Pyrrhus, the King of Epiros, was the only Hellenistic general to defeat the Romans in battle. As far as I’m aware he is the only Hellenistic general to fight the Carthaginians. That means Pyrrhus is the point where the wars of Alexander successors met the Punic Wars. Pyrrhus campaigned in Epiros, Greece and Macedonia during 306-281 BC, in southern Italy against the Romans in 280-275 BC, against the Carthaginians in Sicily in 278-275 BC, against the Romans again in 275 BC, and back in Greece 275-272 BC. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
DBA I/61 Early Carthaginian 550-275BC
The Early Carthaginian army conquered parts of north Africa, Spain, Sardinia, and western Sicily. It is represented by the DBA army list I/61 Early Carthaginian. This post is part of my series on Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists.
Troop Identities in DBA Army Lists
I play DBA quite a lot and with my current enthusiasm for Big Bases I’m rebasing my ancients and medieval armies for Big Base DBA. To help with that process I wanted to know what nationalities the DBA elements correspond to.
Revised Polybian Roman DBA Army List
For a long time I’ve been disgruntled with how DBx, including DBA, handles the Macedonian and Punic Wars. I don’t like both the way the games play in this period nor the army lists. This post is about the Polybian Roman DBA Army List and how to make it more historical.
Timeline of the Mercenary War 240 – 238 BC
The main source for the Mercenary War of 240 to 238 BC is Polybius’ “The Histories”. I used him for the detail but used Wikipedia: Mercenary War for the chronology of events given Polybius is a bit vague on dates.
Punic War Painting Guide – Spanish
This covers the Iberians (inc Balearic), Celtiberian and Lusitani. Check out my Field of Glory Ancient Spanish Army for more photos.
Punic War Painting Guide – Numidian
A painting guide for Numidians that fought for and against Rome.
Punic Wars Painting Guide – Ligurian
A painting guide for Ligurians for the Punic Wars.
Punic War 3 – A Field of Glory Battle Report
This is the third Field of Glory game that Chris Harrod and I have tried. I took Later Carthaginian and Chris took Mid Republican Roman. In fact all three games have been with the Later Carthaginian and Mid Republican Roman 600 point Starter Armies. All have been good games and seemlngly good simulations of Punic War battles. On the down side they have been quite slow. 5.5 hours for the first one and 4.5 hours for the second – both of which were played to completion. We only had 3.5 hours for the third game and didn’t come near a conclusion – I think we only played 4 turns each.
Battle of Ilipa 206 BC
Back in 2001 I wrote up some notes about Ilipa (206 BC) based on articles in Slingshot by John Gerson (Gerson, 1983). The notes aren’t specific to any rules but I was thinking of using them for Field of Glory.