War is merely the continuation of politics by other means
Liberators HOTT
I’m keen on the Wars of South American Liberation aka Liberators at the moment and wondered what I’d have to do to use Hordes of the Things (HOTT)for the period. Hence “Liberators HOTT”.
Maipo – A Liberators HOTT Battle Report
Chris Harrod and Kevin Pridgeon played my Liberators HOTT scenario for Maipo. Chris was the defending Royalists and Kevin the attacking Patriots. It was Kevin’s first try with historical wargames and Liberators HOTT in particular. A good fun game but the HOTT timescale didn’t work.
Gavilan – A Liberators QPR Battle Report
Chris Harrod and I played the Gavilan scenario for Liberators QPR. I was the defending Patriots and Chris the Royalists. It was great fun but another epic in terms of play time. The Patriots won. We’re not sure the Royalists can win even with beefing up Morgado’s forces.
Setting: Gavilan Hill, Conception, Chile; 5 May 1817
Maipo – A Liberators HOTT Scenario
This scenario is in the Liberators book (Fletcher, 2005, p. 66-67). These are my notes for playing the scenario with the Liberators HOTT.
Wargaming the Battle of Gavilan 5 May 1817
John Fletcher has published a scenario for the Battle of Gavilan (5 May 1817). I’ve got supplementary notes related to wargaming that scenario in various places and this post points to them.
Gavilan Scenario for Liberators QPR
John Fletcher published a scenario for the Battle of Gavilan on the Liberators 1810-1830 Yahoo Discussion Forum (in the files section). The scenario is nominally for Liberators Quick Play Rules and I have rewritten based on the anticipation of play testing on a smaller table.
Alternative Chacabuco – A Liberators HOTT Battle Report
Andrew Coleby and I played an early version of the Liberators HOTT version of the Alternative Chacabuco Scenario which is based on that in Fletcher (2006). Andrew was the Royalists and I was the Patriots.
Liberators HOTT – Using HOTT for the South American Wars of Liberation
I’m keen on the Wars of South American Liberation aka Liberators at the moment and wondered what I’d have to do to use Hordes of the Things (HOTT) for the period.
Alternative Chacabuco Scenario for Liberators HOTT
The Alternative Chacabuco scenario is from the Liberators Supplement by John Fletcher (Fletcher, 2006). These are my notes for playing the scenario with the Liberators HOTT rules.
Liberators Scenarios
These are the Liberators scenarios and battle reports I have: