An annotated bibliography for the Fall of Rome and the Barbarian Kingdoms.
Barker, P. (1981). The Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome. Wargame Research Group.
Collins, R. (1995). Early Medieval Spain: Unity in diversity 400-1000 (2nd ed.). NY: St Martins Press.
Collins, R. (2004). Visigothic Sain 409-711. Blackwell.
Collins is a bit of a guru on Spain. I only picked this up recently but I’m really enjoying it.
Coulston, J. C. N. (1990). Later Roman armour, 3rd-6th centuries AD. Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies, 1, 139-160.
Presents a good argument for mail armour, and against leather armour, in the late Roman army. Unfortunately my own Legionaries have leather armour.
Graves, R. (1938). Count Belisarius. Penguin.
Quite a good novel. Overdoes the evil Justinian thing, but still worth a read.
Heath, I. (1980). Armies of the Dark Ages 600-1066 (2nd ed.). Wargames Research Group.
MacDowall,S. (1990). Goths, Huns and Romans. Argus Books.
This small booklet is pitched at the wargaming community. It provides a good introduction to the history and to wargaming the period. Includes sample scenarios.
MacDowall, S. (1994). Late Roman Infantryman 236-565 AD. Osprey. [Warrior 9].
MacDowall, S. (1995). Late Roman Cavalryman 236-565 AD. Osprey. [Warrior 15].
MacDowall, S. (1996). Germanic Warrior AD 236 – 568. Osprey. [Warrior 17].
Marcellinus, Ammianus. (1986). The Later Roman Empire (A.D. 354-378). Penguin.
Nelson, L. H [Trans.] (1991). The Chronicle of San Juan de la Pena: A Fourteenth-Century Official History of the Crown of Aragon. University of Pennsylvania Press.
I only used this for the list of Visigothic Kings.