I’ve specific source lists for:
This page is just for the other stuff.
Web Sites
Trevor’s Colonial Wargames Site
Includes a couple of scenarios for the Colonial period. Trevor said on the PracticalSoldier forum (3 Dec 2008) that “Those two scenarios have not been playtested. So even *I* have not tried them out! I wrote them at a time when I had more access to books than figures and opponents and so they may well need a little tweaking in short. I have already considered reducing the number of Somalis in the Baçanete scenario since the totals for their number in the Portuguese sources are probably exaggerated, and at the time, it was my habit to take them inflexibly at face-value. But by how much to reduce them (if at all) for the purposes of the scenario, I would need to do probably several games to figure out. Alas, my situation is the same now as I am once again isolated from potential players where I live. So if anyone does try either of these two scenarios out, certainly I would be interested in the results; some modifications to the website might well be in order.”
Magellan’s Death at
Mactan 1521
Baçanete, Ethiopia, 1542
Hungarian and Turkish army lists for Maximilian – Dan O’Hara
Renaissance Wargames Home Page – David Heading
Includes a whole bunch of stuff including some Portuguese History, some Wargaming campaigns and scenarios, some reviews of Wargaming Rules, and issues with DBR lists.
Mapuche (Araucanians) – George Smithson
Very good Slingshot article reproduced at the Society of Ancients website.
Cuellar, Captain Francisco De (1988). A Story of the Spanish Armada. Athol Books.
Interesting account by one of the Spanish Captains ship wrecked on the Irish coast in 1588. Worth a read. Glad I wasn’t there.