I’m interested in the Punic Wars and Roman conquest of Hispania (240 – 20 BC) so I’ve been building up Spanish army for the period for 20 years. The army has done service under DBM but more recently using Field of Glory.
The majority of figures are from Essex Miniatures although Chariot Miniatures (now owned by Magister Militum) are a close runner up. The odd Donnington also appears. I’ve not been super religious about just using “Spanish” figures so a fair few foreigners (Romans, Italians and Greeks) also appear. This was mostly because there wasn’t much variety available when I put the army together but also on the assumption that there would have been a fair amount of cultural and/or equipment cross-pollination around the Mediterranean.
Wayne Turner painted the vast majority of the figures based on my Spanish Painting Guide. What Wayne didn’t paint Nigel Fun-nell painted. I flocked them.
I’ve got three generals and need a forth. Most of the figures are Essex. The general figure on the right is an Italian from Donnington.
Iberian Generals
Large Shield Cavalry
I’ve got five stands of Large Shield Cavalry (Cv, Protected, Undrilled, Superior, Light Spear, Swordsmen). Which is a pain because I either need 4 or 6 in FoG. The figures are Essex. The photo shows the nice designs that Wayne painted on.
Five stands of berian Large Shield Cavalry
Small Shield Cavalry
I’ve 10 stands of Light Horse (LH, Unprotected, Undrilled, Average, Javelins, Light Spear). Once again I don’t have the right number as really should have 12. The Light Horse are mostly Essex Spanish but there are some Chariot Spanish and at least one Essex Italian.
10 stands of Iberian Small Shield Cavalry
Iberian Small Shield Cavalry
Iberian Small Shield Cavalry
The guy with two feathers in his helmet is
an Italian figure
I’ve masses of Scutarii – 72 stands I think (MF, Protected, Undrilled, Average, Impact Foot, Swordsmen). Probably the biggest variety of figures appears in the Scutarii. They are mostly Essex and Chariot Spanish. However some Irregular Miniatures Spanish (the giant guy in the back left of the photo below), Donnington Spanish, and Essex Greeks (the guys with no helmets) are mixed in.
Iberian Scutarii painted by Wayne Turner (like most of the figures)
Nigel Fun-nell painted the Spanish for my Carthaginian army. Nigel’s painting approach is different to Wayne’s but the overall effect is similar. He did 32 “Regular” Scutarii (8 stands) and 8 Caetrati (4 stands). One of the things that really annoyed me about DBM is that the same troops had to be based differently if they were regular or irregular – notably the Spanish Scutarii. The photo below shows Nigel’s Regulars with my old style flocking. I’ll rebase and reflock these guys on 3 figures per stand to make them consistent with the rest of the Spanish.
Spanish Scutarii painted by Nigel Fun-nell
With old style flocking
I’ve got 48 stands of Caetrati (LF, Unprotected, Undrilled, Average, Javelin, Light Spear). The figures are Essex and Chariot Caetrati with some Essex Greeks (the guys with bare heads) mixed in.
Iberian Caetrati
I’ve got all 12 stands of slingers (LF, Unprotected, Undrilled, Average, Sling). I think they are Chariot figures.
Iberian Slingers
I don’t have enough Celtiberians (HF, Protected, Undrilled, Average, Impact Foot, Swordsmen). Not by a long shot. I’ve only got 12 figures. They were based as Warband (3 figures / stand) for DBM but I’ve rebased them as Heavy Foot (4 / stand) for FoG. That gives me three stands but I really need at least eight stands which is a battle group in FoG. And I really need at least two battle groups because that’s what the published starter army has. And I really need more than that because the Carthaginian can field some as well. etc.
The figures are mostly Essex and Chariot Celtiberians. The Chariot figure is the guy with the sword – he’s the best of the bunch. There is one Roman Penal Legionnaire is in there too. After all a tunic and Celtic style helmet and shield makes him self right at home with his Celtiberian friends.
Celtiberian Warriors
My Iberian baggage in DBM comprised mules and handlers. Lots of them. I’ve still got six elements.
Baggage: Mule train
I sacrificed a couple of the DBM baggage elements and a few more bits and bobs lying around to make a FoG camp.
FoG Ancient Spanish Starter Army (Iberian)
I haven’t the figures for the exact Ancient Spanish Starter Army because I don’t have masses of Celtiberian Scutarii. So I substituted more Iberian Scutarii.
Num BG | Troops | Type | Armour | Quality | Training | Shooting POA | Impact POA | Melee POA | Special | Num bases | Pt per base | BG Pt | Total Pt |
(1) | Commander-in-Chief | FC | – | – | – | – | – | – | CinC | 1 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
( 2) | Sub-commander | TC | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 1 | 35 | 35 | 70 |
1 | Large Shield Cavalry | Cv | Protected | Superior | Undrilled | – | Light spear | Swordsmen | – | 4 | 12 | 48 | 48 |
2 | Small Shield Cavalry | LH | Unprotected | Average | Undrilled | Javelins | Light spear | – | – | 4 | 7 | 28 | 56 |
2 | Caetrati | LF | Unprotected | Average | Undrilled | Javelins | Light spear | – | – | 8 | 4 | 32 | 64 |
1 | Slingers | LF | Unprotected | Average | Undrilled | Sling | – | – | 6 | 4 | 24 | 24 | |
5 | Iberian Scutarii | MF | Protected | Average | Undrilled | – | Impact foot | Swordsmen | – | 8 | 7 | 56 | 280 |
11 | 600 |
Steven’s Biggest Ancient Spanish Army (Iberian)
This is the biggest Spanish (Iberian) FoG army I could field.
Num BG | Troops | Type | Armour | Quality | Training | Shooting POA | Impact POA | Melee POA | Special | Num bases | Pt per base | BG Pt | Total Pt |
(1) | Commander-in-Chief | FC | – | – | – | – | – | – | CinC | 1 | 50 | 50 | 50 |
(2) | Sub-commander | TC | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 1 | 35 | 35 | 70 |
1 | Large Shield Cavalry | Cv | Protected | Superior | Undrilled | – | Light spear | Swordsmen | – | 4 | 12 | 48 | 48 |
1 | Small Shield Cavalry | LH | Unprotected | Average | Undrilled | Javelins | Light spear | – | – | 6 | 7 | 42 | 42 |
1 | Small Shield Cavalry | LH | Unprotected | Average | Undrilled | Javelins | Light spear | – | – | 4 | 7 | 28 | 28 |
6 | Caetrati | LF | Unprotected | Average | Undrilled | Javelins | Light spear | – | – | 8 | 4 | 32 | 192 |
2 | Slingers | LF | Unprotected | Average | Undrilled | Sling | – | – | 6 | 4 | 24 | 48 | |
9 | Iberian Scutarii | MF | Protected | Average | Undrilled | – | Impact foot | Swordsmen | – | 8 | 7 | 56 | 448 |
20 | 982 |
Wish List
Some notes for myself about how to flesh out the army.
- 21 stands Mercenary Celtiberians (4 figures / stand). I’ve already got 3 stands so this would give me 24 stands = 3 battle groups of 8 stands or 4 battle groups of 6 stands.
- +2 stands Small Shield Cavalry (2 figures / stand). That takes me to the maximum.
- +1 stand Large Shield Cavalry (3 figures / stand). I already have a spare stand so that would take me to the maximum.
- 2 allied commanders. I’ve got three commanders but this would give me an allied option in this army and for the Romans or Carthaginians.