This is my Insurgent ‘army’ for the Portuguese Colonial War. I’m also painting a Portuguese force.
I painted them all. I use the Black Undercoat Method of painting and used my painting guide for the Portuguese Colonial War. The basing style involves Sand, Flat Earth paint, and Dry Brushing. Except where noted all figures are the 15mm range from Peter Pig, and predominately from Range 17 AK47 Republic. They are loosely organised using the PAIGC Order of Battle.
So far all of the figures are based on 1 p coins. I’m still debating what rules to use but I am likely to start with something from Two Hour Wargames which use individual based figures. I have uniquely identified each figure with a label showing the Unit ID.
Although I had some vaguely sensible rationale for the Unit ID for the Portuguese this wasn’t true for the insurgents. I started from “I” and then went up to “J” then “K”. Think of it as “I” for Insurgent, “J” for Junior branch of comrades equipped with junk and “K” for Kiss Arse Komrads in Kaps and Khaki.
Section K (to the right on the tree line)
skirmish with Portuguese Commandos
Section K: Kick Arse Komrads in Kaps and Khaki
Section K is well equipped with weapons and uniforms. They wear a mix of khaki, olive drab and camouflage. The camouflage varies quite a lot – which was fun to paint. Khaki dominates a bit as it did in reality.
The figures are from a variety of packs from Peter Pig. I tried to fill the section with different poses but made a mistake and doubled up on one pose. “Hardened Militia” feature a lot in the section as they come with the field cap which was fairly universal.
KL = Comrade Section Leader
The section leader is from pack PP17-122: HM Command.
He has a khaki cap, olive drab shirt and trousers in East German ‘rain drop’ Camouflage.
KM = Comrade Machine Gunner
Figure KM is from pack PP17-119: HM LMG.
The weapon is a Russian RPD light machine gun.
I painted him with a cap and shirt in khaki and trousers in Soviet green and buff camouflage.
KR = Comrade RPG Gunner
The RPG gunner is from pack PP17-120: HM RPG.
He has a khaki cap and trousers and an olive drab shirt.
KA = Assistant
This Comrade can be an assistant to either the RPG or LMG gunner.
He has an entirely khaki uniform.
K1 = Comrade 1 with AK47
K1 is from pack PP17-117: HM AK47 advancing.
He has a khaki cap, a ‘French’ Camo shirt of Portuguese origin, and older Soviet 1960s Camouflage.
K2 = Comrade 2 with AK47
K2 is from pack PP17-118: HM AK47 firing.
He has khaki cap and trousers with a Portuguese shirt in ‘French’ Camo.
K3 = Comrade 3 with AK47
This comrade is from pack PP17-118: HM AK47 firing.
He has a khaki cap and shirt and olive drab trousers.
He also has a catana in a belt sheath.
K4 = Comrade 4 with AK47
K4 is from pack PP17-52: Beret AK47 R/P.
He has olive green shirt and trousers and a beret in East German ‘rain drop’ Camouflage.
K5 = Comrade 5 with AK47
K4 is from pack PP17-52: Beret AK47 R/P.
He has olive green beret, a Portuguese shirt in ‘French’ camo, and trousers with Soviet green and buff camouflage.
K6 = Comrade 6 with AK47
K6 is from pack PP17-117: HM AK47 advancing.
He has a olive drab cap and East German ‘rain drop’ Camouflage for shirt and trousers.
K7 = Comrade 7 with AK47
The figure is from pack PP17-52: Beret AK47 R/P.
He has a black beret with a yellow badge with an otherwise khaki uniform.
K8 = Comrade 8 with AK47
K8 is from pack PP17-5: R AK47 Cap.
The cap is captured Portuguese so is in ‘French’ camo. The shirt/jacket is khaki and the trousers are East German ‘rain drop’ Camouflage.
K9 = Comrade 9 with AK47
This Comrade is from pack PP17-4: M firing AK47.
He is bare headed and wears khaki.
K0 = Comrade 10 = the Girl with a Gun
The last member of the section is a woman. She is from pack PP17-126: HM Female militia.
I painted her in olive drab with a khaki cap.