UNITA Order of Battle during the Portuguese Colonial War

In Mar 1966 UNITA (União Nacionalpara a Independéncia Total de Angola) broke away from the FNLA under Jonas Savimbi (Abbott & Rodrigues, 1998; Morris, 1974). They received Chinese support and some UNITA men were sent to China for training but many promises of military aid were not fulfilled. They operated from the western part of Zambia until expelled in 1968. They recruited from Angolan refugees in Zambia and had support amongst the Mbundu and Luchazi tribes peoples of the Moxico District. Unlike leaders of other independence movements Savimbi spent considerable time with his units inside Angola and gained considerable respect as a result. Following expulsion from Zambia in 1968 they had at most 500 active guerrillas.

The military wing was called the Armed Forces of Liberation (Forças Armadas de Libertação de Angola or FALA) (Abbott & Rodrigues, 1998; Morris, 1974).


Abbott, P. and Rodrigues, M. (1998). Modern African Wars 2: Angola and Mozambique 1961-74. Osprey.

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