A scenario for Fuego Cruzado – my variant of Crossfire for the Spanish Civil War – as the Nationalists try to drive the International Brigades out of the University City. The fighting revolves around the Hall of Philosophy and Letters.
Historical Situation
Setting: Hall of Philosophy and Letters, University City, Madrid, Spain; 15 Nov 1936

University City
On 15 Nov 1936, as part of the Nationalist attack from the Casa de Campo, elements of Asensio column (including the Regulares of Tetuán and the 6th Bandera of the Foreign Legion) crossed the Manzanares river unopposed and took up positions in the unfinished University City on Madrid’s northwest edge. A much depleted Tabor of Regulares (200 men) and three companies of the 6th Bandera fanned out to occupy the undefended buildings and to await the inevitable counter-attack. The XIth International Brigade counter-attacked around the Hall of Philosophy and Letters, but couldn’t stop the remainder of Asensio’s column crossing the river that night.
The photo gives and idea of what the University City looked like. Key features for this scenario are:
- The western edge of the table is the Manzanares river.
- The Hall of Philosophy and Letters is near the eastern edge of the table.
- In between you’ve mostly got buildings of varying sizes, but you could throw in some other bits like ridges, rough ground, hills.

Nationalist Player (Defending)
Prevent the Republicans meeting their objectives.
Deploys first anywhere in the western half of the board as per the Bridgehead scenario in the Crossfire rules (p. 32-33).
Forces Available
Two under-strength companies of the 6th Bandera of the Spanish Foreign Legion from Asensio Column.
Nationalist Order of Battle
Elements of Asensio Column
- 2 x Infantry Companies, 6th Bandera of the Spanish Foreign Legion
- 1 x CC (+2)
- 1 x LMG
- 1 x Rifle Platoons: 1 x PC (+1); 3 x Rifle Squads
- 2 x Rifle Platoons: 1 x PC (+1); 2 x Rifle Squads
- Attached elements from Bandera or Column
- 1 x HMG
- 1 x FO for off-table 75 mm gun with 12 FM
- Morale: Veteran
- Command & Control: Adventurous / Independent

Republican Player (Attacking)
Hold the Hall of Philosophy and Letters at the end of the game and capture 4 Nationalist terrain features for five consecutive Friendly initiatives as per the Bridgehead scenario in the Crossfire rules (p. 32-33).
Begins scenario with initiative. Deploys second within one foot of the western table edge (which includes the Hall of Philosophy and Letters).
Forces Available
An under-strength Battalion from the XIth International Brigade.
Republican Order of Battle
Battalion from the XIth International Brigade
- 1 x BC (+2)
- 1 x Commissar (+2)
- 3 x HMG
- 3 x Infantry Companies
- 1 x CC (+2)
- 1 x LMG
- 1 x Rifle Platoon: 1 x PC (+1; 4 x Rifle Squads
- 2 x Rifle Platoons: 1 x PC (+1); 3 x Rifle Squads
- Morale: Veteran
- Command & Control: Dependent
Victory Conditions
Terrain objectives
The Republicans win by holding the Hall of Philosophy and Letters at the end of the game and in addition capturing 4 Nationalist terrain features for five consecutive Friendly initiatives as per the Bridgehead scenario in the Crossfire rules (p. 32-33), otherwise the Nationalists win.
Scenario Special Rules
- See Crossfire House Rules and Fuego Cruzado (Crossfire House Rules for Spain’s Wars).
- HTB Special Rule 4. The Moving Clock is in use.
- Special Rule. Political Commissars is in use.
Type of Scenario: Assault