I’ve put together some experimental modifications to Liberators QPR. The aim is to increase the importance of morale and fill in a few gaps. It’d be nice if they made the game faster but only play testing will tell.
Liberators QPR
The supplement to Liberators (Liberators! Supplement 1: The War in the South) includes a set of Quick Play Rules (Liberators QPR). John Fletcher knocked them up quickly for a demonstration game at a show. That means they are quite raw but definitely playable.
Maipo – A Liberators QPR Battle Report
Chris Harrod and I played the Maipo Scenario from the Liberators book using the Liberators Quick Play Rules. We rolled for sides and Chris got the Royalists and I got the Patriots.
Cancha Rayada Scenario for Liberators QPR
The Liberators book (Fletcher, 2005, p. 64-65) has a Cancha Rayada scenario. These are my notes for playing the scenario with the Liberators Quick Play Rules.
Alternative Chacabuco – A Liberators QPR Battle Report
To celebrate the completion of my Liberators armies Andrew Coleby and I played the Alternative Chacabuco scenario from Fletcher (2006) using the Liberators QPR. Andrew was the Patriots / Argentineans. I was the Royalists / Spanish. Our biggest problem is that we only get to play in two hours sessions and this game was split over two sessions.
Alternative Chacabuco – Extra Photos for the Battle Report
The first time I played the Alternative Chacabuco scenario, I did it in two halves. I took the following photos just to record the position and state of the units at the end of the first half so we could play out the battle at a latter time.
Alternative Chacabuco – A Liberators QPR Scenario
The Liberators supplement (Fletcher, 2006, p. 10-11) has an Alternative Chacabuco scenario. These are my notes for playing the scenario with the Liberators Quick Play Rules. See also the Battle Report 1, Extra Photos for Battle Report 1 and Battle Report 2.
Markers for the Liberators Quick Play Rules
The supplement to Liberators (Fletcher, 2006) includes a set of Quick Play Rules (QPR). The rules have a “disorder” status and use a casualty figure to indicate this. They use figure/base removal to indicate casualties. I’ve changed this a bit. Instead of figure/base removal I use a casualty marker with numbered sides (1 to 4) to indicate the casualties. Separately I use a small skull to represent disorder.
Clarifications of Liberators QPR
The supplement to Liberators (Fletcher, 2006) includes a set of Quick Play Rules (QPR). This pages addresses some of the questions about the rules. The clarifications are by John Fletcher, the author, shared on the Liberators 1810-1830 Yahoo Discussion Forum.
Basing for the Liberators Quick Play Rules
The supplement to Liberators (Fletcher, 2006) includes a set of Quick Play Rules (QPR). The basing is similar to Basing for Shako and Basing for Shako in the First Carlist War although the units are potentially larger than the Carlist variation.
Liberators Scenarios
These are the Liberators scenarios and battle reports I have: