HOTT and DBA Army Lists for Britannia 600 AD

Draco Roman Military Standard

In Britannia 600 AD field armies are 12 elements (plus camp follower) in DBA or 24 AP in HOTT. The army lists below allow much larger numbers than this for two reasons. Firstly and mainly, to allow choice. Secondly, to allow a larger than normal field armies to be used for a more involved campaign.

I have tweaked the DBA army lists, partly because some of them don’t really match what we know about the protagonists, and partly to support fantastic elements suitable for a HOTT campaign. After a general discussion of the Common Elements, both Realistic Troops (DBA + HOTT) and Fantastical Troops (HOTT), I then look at the specific national army lists. For our purposes there are only five types of armies: Welsh, Picts, Saxon, Irish, and Scots.

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No-Mans Land Mini-Campaign

This is a skirmish level mini-campaign set in no-mans land on a fairly static front. It is applicable to any period (see the possible settings). Each player is a junior commander whose job is the patrol and control the area between the opposing forces. Over three game days and nights each player must plan and execute 6 missions from a predetermined list. The interest lies in the fact that each player is picking from a different list to that of his opponent. The key problem being addressed is “How does a commander react when faced with events not covered by his orders?”

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Wars of Spain and Portugal

My specialty is ‘Luso-Spanish’ Military History, that is, the wars of Spain and Portugal or, put another way, Iberian Wars. This specialty has pros and cons. The pros are that it covers a lot of history and I have an excuse to buy armies from some fascinating conflicts. The cons are exactly the same as the pros.

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15mm Wargaming Figures for the Macedonian and Punic Wars

My figures are predominantly from Essex Miniatures although Chariot Miniatures (now owned by Magister Militum)appear frequently among the Roman Legionaries, Numidians, Italians and Spanish allies. The infantry of the two ranges are entirely compatible. The cavalry are not compatible. I opted for the large Essex Miniatures horses because all my other armies are that size. Magister Militum have more realistic but much smaller horses. The only exception is for the Numidians – the numidian horses of both ranges are compatible.

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