I like maps and Wikipedia: Maps of the World Showing History has some cool maps that I thought would be useful in the future to link my various timelines together.
2000 BCE
1000 BCE
500 BCE
400 BCE
323 BCE
300 BCE
100 BCE
50 BCE
1 CE
50 CE
100 CE
200 CE
250 CE
300 CE
400 CE
500 CE
700 CE
750 CE
900 CE
1492: Colonisation
15th – 16th Century: Demarcation Spain and Portugal
1550: Colonisation
1660: Colonisation
1754: Colonisation
1800: Colonisation
1822: Colonisation
1855: Colonisation
1898: Imperialism: In the Scramble for Africa
1900 (approximately): Imperialism
The date is approximately 1900 but shows Italian North Africa post 1910 and Austro Hungry circa WW1.
1914: Imperialism
1920: Imperialism
1938: Colonisation
1939 September: Alliances at start of WW2
From Wikipedia: World War II 1939 09.png
?? TODO ?? resurrect the colour key
Western Allies (independent countries)
Western Allies (colonies or occupied)
Eastern Allies
Errors: Republic of Ireland NO LONGER a colony of UK from 1940’s, therefore maps showing it to be so in 1959 and 1974 are incorrect.
Not only that but the first colonies in Alaska are Russian not American.
I don’t see the problem. This is correct on the maps, Alaska was originally settled by the Russians who then sold their claim to it to the USA. Bet they regret that now..
like the maps