This is my Royalist army from my 1817-18 Chilean Project. Roland is working on the Patriots including the Argentines and Chileans. I’m painting the Royalists.
War in the South
The War in the South covers the conflict between Spain and her colonies between 1810 and 1826. It focuses on the Argentine contribution to independence – and San Martin specifically – covering the fighting in northern Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru.
Patriot Artillery in the 1817-18 Chilean Campaign
It isn’t clear from the various orders of battle for the Chilean 1817-18 Campaign which patriot artillery is Argentine and which Chilean. This the what I can figure out.
Steven’s Argentine Army of the South American Wars of Liberation
This is the Argentine element of San Martin’s Army of the Andes from my 1817-18 Chilean Project.
Patriot Flags of the 1817-18 Chilean Campaign
The Patriot flags seemed to be in a state of flux during the 1817-18 Chilean Campaign so I thought I’d summarise the various bits of information. For reasons outlined below this is my best guess for which flag for which unit at which battle.
1817-18 Chilean Project: Phase 3 Battle of Cancha Rayada 19 Mar 1818
Phase 3 of my 1817-18 Chilean Project is the Battle of Cancha Rayada (19 Mar 1818)
1817-18 Chilean Project: Phase 4 Battle of Maipo 5 Apr 1818
Phase 4 of my 1817-18 Chilean Project is the Battle of Maipo (5 Apr 1818).
1817-18 Chilean Project: Phase 2 Assault on Talcahuano 6 Dec 1817
Phase 2 of my 1817-18 Chilean Project is the Assault on Talcahuano (6 Dec 1817)
1817-18 Chilean Project: Phase 1 Battle of Chacabuco 12 Feb 1817
Phase 1 of my 1817-18 Chilean Project is the Battle of Chacabuco (12 Feb 1817).
1817-18 Chilean Project for the South American Wars of Liberation
You have to start somewhere and I’ve decided to start my venture into the South American Wars by focusing on the 1817-18 Chilean Campaign. Argentines and Chileans facing the Royalists.
Patriot Cazadores a Caballo in the 1817-18 Chilean Campaign
The various sources are inconsistent about the Argentine and Chilean Cazadores a Caballo in the 1817-18 Chilean Campaign. In a discussion on the Liberators 1810-1830 Yahoo Discussion Forum, John Fletcher expressed the opinion that all references to Argentine Cazadores a Caballo and Escolta del General were in fact the Cazadores a Caballo de la Escolta del General. Similarly references to Chilean Cazadores a Caballo, Chilean Horse Cazadores or Chilean Escort Cazadores, are the Caballeria Cazadores de la Escolta Directorial. He recommended getting two squadrons of each unit for the Chilean campaign.