The Eighty Years’ War and Thirty Years’ War so the troops were similar. The painting guide or the main protagonists of the Eighty Years War, Spanish and Dutch, is given here. See the Painting Guide for the Thirty Years War page for Swedes, French, Imperialist, etc.
Gunpowder Warfare
Black powder guns from arquebus to flintlock musket. I have chosen to start this period with the discovery of the New World (1492) and end it with the Siege of Sevastopol (1854–1855).
Sub-categories: New World, Italian Wars, Eighty Years’ War, Thirty Wars’ War, War of Spanish Succession, Napoleonic Wars, Liberators, Liberal Wars, Carlist Wars, New Zealand Wars.
Twilight of the Sun-King (2001 version)
This is a set of fast play rules for the War of Spanish Succession including the campaigns of the Duke of Marlborough.
Almanza – A Twilight of the Sun King Scenario
A Twilight of the Sun-King scenario for the War of Spanish Succession featuring the Battle of Almanza.
Timeline of the First Carlist War
When Ferdinand VII of Spain died in 1833, his fourth wife Cristina became Queen regent on behalf of their infant daughter Isabel II. This splintered the country into two factions known as the Cristinos (or Isabelinos) and the Carlists. The Cristinos were the supporters of the Queen Regent and her government. The Carlists were the supporters of Don Carlos, pretender to the throne and brother of the deceased Ferdinand VII. The First Carlist War lasted over 7 years and the fighting spanned most of the country at one time or another, although the main conflict centred around the Carlist homelands of the Basque Country and Aragon.
In my timeline for the First Carlist War I outline the events and suggest wargaming scenarios.
Design Notes for Twilight of the Sun-King
When writing Twilight of the Sun-King (specifically the original 2001 version) I kept in mind these principles.
Army Lists and Points System for Twilight of the Sun-King
Some suggestions for army lists for my Twilight of the Sun-King rules.
Alternative Army Lists for Twilight of the Sun-King
Some suggestions for army lists. They could be, but weren’t intended to be, used in conjunction with my Twilight of the Sun-King rules.
Sources for the First Carlist War
An annotated bibliography for the First of the Carlist Wars.
Battle of Ravenna – A DBR Scenario
An Italian Wars scenario for DBR based on the Battle of Ravenna.
Battle of Pavia – A DBR Scenario
An Italian Wars scenario for DBR based on the Battle of Pavia.
Personalities of the First Carlist War
A brief biography of some of the leading figures of the First of the Carlist Wars.
Nombre de Dios – A DBR Scenario
An New World scenario for DBR based on the Battle of Nombre de Dios. See also my more complete New World DBA Scenario for the same battle.
DBR Scenarios
A bit patchy still ’cause I got distracted …
Battle of Fornovo – A DBR Scenario
An Italian Wars scenario for DBR based on the Battle of Fornovo.