I picked up a 15mm Ruined Factory feature from Wargames Tournaments. Perfect for snipers perched on an upper floor. The trouble is that Crossfire demands that building are made up of regular shaped building sectors. Mine are usually 3″ x 3″. So what should I do? How can I use that big feature in Crossfire?
Here is the feature in question. I’ve assembled it but not painted it. The feature is L shaped and has no base board. It is free standing on the two walls. I’ve included a 3″ x 3″ base board as a comparison point.
I figure I’ll put the feature on a base board and model, somehow, the building sectors on the base board. I normally use ruined interior walls to mark out the building sector grid. You don’t need many such walls to get the idea. In the case of a tall building like this factory – with three levels – those broken interior walls would probably also appear on the shattered upper floors.
There seem to be two choices for the size of building sectors: 90mm square or 60mm square.
60mm Building Sectors
You’ll notice that the walls of ruined factory have three columns of windows. Each window takes up about 60mm of the 180mm frontage. So I could put 60mm x 60mm building sectors behind the walls.
Accepting that I could either do a square base board. So the factory would comprise a grid of nine building sectors.
Or I could just do an L shape. In this case there would be five building sectors.
But 60mm x 60mm is a bit cramped. My normal building sectors are 3″ x 3″ (about 75mm x 75mm) – you can see one in the photos. That is a good size to fit two squads an a PC. Smaller building sectors only comfortably fit a single squad with commander.
90mm Building Sectors
So I thought about rounding up. How about 90mm x 90mm for a building sector. More than enough to fit two squads and a commander – almost too much actually. You can tell from the comparison piece – the 3″ x 3″ base – that 90mm x 90mm is much bigger.
Anyway, this is what a square factory would look like. It has four buildings sectors in the grid.
The equivalent L shaped building has only three building sectors.
The trouble with the 90mm option is that the building sectors don’t line up nicely with the windows. I’d normally use ruined interior walls to mark out the building sector grid and this would look odd with walls running into windows. Hmmmm.
What to do?
Anybody got an opinion on this?
Update 14:02
At the suggestion of Doctor Phalanx I made a couple more with varied room shapes on a square base.
I appreciate your quandary!
How about:
Nice. I was trying to figure out a pattern that would give logical “rooms”.
A superb solution. Well done Dr Phalanx.