Multiplayer Pocket – North Table Briefing

This is the briefing for the North Table of the Multiplayer Pocket game. There are also briefings for the South and West tables. If you wish you could also use it as a stand alone Crossfire scenario for WW2.

General Situation

Setting: Eastern Front; Autumn 1943

The setting is autumn 1943 Eastern Front. The general idea is an earlier German attack has ground to a halt and the resulting salient has been pinched off forming a pocket. The surviving Germans of the earlier assault are occupying a town inside the pocket (North and South tables). A Soviet force blocks their retreat, basically occupying the original Soviet positions (West Table). As other Soviet troops mass to crush the pocket (South Table), a German relief force is attempting to break through (West Table). Other Soviet forces attempt to pin the remaining German troops and prevent them salvaging valuable equipment (North Table). Both sides have a central reserve that can be used to reinforce any table, and also some shared artillery. Each table has victory conditions. And the overall winner is the side with the most table wins.

Map / Terrain

Multiplayer Pocket - North Table - Crossfire
Multiplayer Pocket – North Table – Crossfire

Northern German Player (Defending)

Player Briefing

You are holding the northern flank of the German pocket and your task is to pin the enemy to your front, retrieve the immobile Tiger at the T Junction, and inflict as many casualties as possible without endangering your own forces. Although heavily outnumbered – you have only a platoon whereas the Soviets seem to have a full company – you can call in reinforcements bringing you up to a full company. You must deploy first, in the southern part of the table, i.e. south of the T junction; the Soviets will deploy north of that point. The Disabled Tiger is deployed at the T junction labelled X on the map, aiming in any direction you wish. Although scouts have reported the general position of the enemy, you can expect some to be hidden. Similarly, two of your stands and the Snipers can be deployed hidden.

Victory Conditions

There are two overlapping objectives. Both sides are trying to pin the enemy and inflict casualties. In addition, the German is trying to rescue the Tiger, whereas the Soviets are trying to knock it out. Count victory points as follows:

Modifier Cause
+1 Soviet Tiger is knocked out
+1 Soviet Germans have lost at least 50% more Squads, HMG and CC than the Soviets.
+1 German Soviets have lost at least 50% more Squads, HMG and CC than the Germans.
+1 German Tiger drives off the Southern table edge.

The side with the higher total is overall winner, and wins by the difference in the scores.

Instant Victory: If you fulfil criteria for Major Victory (+2), and the opposing side has lost at least 3 AFVs, Squads, HMG and/or CC you can then reinforce another table with one tank (if you still have one) or one infantry platoon (full strength, despite any earlier losses). Throw 5-6 at the start of subsequent friendly initiatives to see if they arrive.

Forces Available

You have at your disposal:

  • Elements of a Rifle Company (Regulars)
    • 1 x +2 CC
    • 1 x HMG
    • 1 x FO for off-table 81mm Mortar (12 FM)
    • 2 x Rifle Platoons: +1 PC, 3 x Rifles, one with ATR
  • 3 x Snipers
  • 1 x Disabled Tiger I [“Slow” Speed i.e. 1 Action either Move or Fire per initiative; can’t move until fuelled]

One squad per infantry platoon has an AT-Rifle. The guy with a red dot to the right of the label.

Any FO can call in FM from an off-table Heavy Artillery Battery (2 FM shared between the three tables), but cannot call in their own FM in the same initiative.

The Disabled Tiger cannot move until refuelled. A fuel truck must be stationary next to the Tiger for one complete phasing initiative to allow refuelling. The Tiger is also short on Ammunition; throw 1d6 each time it fires, on a 6 it is out of ammo permanently (even if it has been used to reinforce another table).


  • 2 x Fuel Trucks
  • Remains of the Rifle Company (Regulars)
    • 1 x HMG
    • 1 x Rifle Platoon: +1 PC; 3 Rifles

You can radio for reinforcements as a non-action taken in your initiative. At that time they must write down:

How many fuel trucks are arriving (could be zero) and whether the other stands are arriving. All non-truck stands must arrive together.

Which road onto the southern table edge they will arrive on (R1 or R2).

Throw 1d6 at the start of each subsequent German initiative; on a 5-6 the fuel truck(s) and any escort arrive. Once all fuel trucks have arrived there is no chance of any more.

Northern Soviet Player (Attacking)

Player Briefing

The town to your front is the northern flank of the German pocket and your task is to pin the enemy to your front, prevent them retrieving the immobile Tiger at the T Junction, and inflict as many casualties as possible without endangering your own forces. Aside from the Tiger the Germans are currently believed to have only an infantry platoon in the sector facing you, however, you should expect German reinforcements to arrive at any time. The German force must deploy in the southern part of the table, i.e. south of the T junction. All your forces must deploy north of the German zone and only your Sniper can be within LOS of German controlled terrain pieces. Although scouts have reported the general position of the enemy, you can expect some to be hidden. Similarly, two of your stands and the Sniper can be deployed hidden. You will deploy second, and move first.

Victory Conditions

There are two overlapping objectives. Both sides are trying to pin the enemy and inflict casualties. In addition, the German is trying to rescue the Tiger, whereas the Soviets are trying to knock it out. Count victory points as follows:

Modifier Cause
+1 Soviet Tiger is knocked out
+1 Soviet Germans have lost at least 50% more Squads, HMG and CC than the Soviets.
+1 German Soviets have lost at least 50% more Squads, HMG and CC than the Germans.
+1 German Tiger drives off the Southern table edge.

The side with the higher total is overall winner, and wins by the difference in the scores.

Instant Victory: If you fulfil the criteria for Major Victory (+2), and the opposing side has lost at least 3 AFVs, Squads, HMG and/or CC you can then reinforce another table with one infantry platoon (full strength, despite any earlier losses). Throw 5-6 at the start of subsequent friendly initiatives to see if they arrive.

Forces Available

You have at your disposal:

  • 1 x Rifle Company (Regulars)
    • 1 x +1 CC
    • 2 x HMG
    • 1 x FO for off-table 82mm Mortar (12 FM)
    • 1 x FO for off-table 50mm Mortar (12 FM)
    • 3 x Rifle Platoons: +1/0 PC, 4 x Rifles, one with ATR
  • 1 x Sniper

One squad per infantry platoon has an AT-Rifle. The guy with a red dot to the right of the label.

Any FO can call in FM from an off-table Heavy Artillery Battery (4 FM shared between the three tables), but cannot call in their own FM in the same initiative.

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