I found a couple of great sites giving details of where each Spanish regiment was engaged during the First of the Carlist Wars. In the first instance most details from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936)
1st Line Infantry Regiment (Rey)
Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
Actions at Albocácer (17 Aug 1834) and of Culla (23 Oct 1834), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (actually only one battalion, 15 Aug 1838), raising of the siege of Lucena (1st battalion, 17 Jul 1839), siege and surrender of Tales (1st battalion, 14 Aug 1839), siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
Juanvi: Regimientos de Infantería:
Actions of Pobleta de Morella, Zurita, Venta de Parras, Villavana and Villanueva. Battle of Castrejana, Baracaldo, Luchana and siege of Cantavieja; Battle of Barbastro, recapture of Peñacerrada and skirmish of Ampuero. sieges of Ramales, Morella, Guardamino, Segura, Castellote, Aliaga and Alcaraz de Segura.
2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
Actions at The Jana (1st battalion, 9 Jan 1836), Soneja (1st battalion, 18 Jul 1836), Valley of Uxó (17 Feb 1838) and Alcora (1st battalion, 29 Jun 1838), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (1st battalion, 15 Aug 1838), actions at heights of Alcora (1st battalion, 3 Feb 1839), Ayódar (1st battalion, 16 May 1839) and Lucena (1st battalion, 1 Jul 1839), raising of the siege of Lucena (2nd and 3rd battalions, 17 Jul 1839), siege and surrender of Tales (14 Aug 1839), siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
Juanvi: Regimientos de Infantería:
Participated in the skirmishes of Olazagoitia, Artazu, Alegría, battle of las Tejeras and Mendigorría. Also participated in the Actions of Puente Burceña and socorro of Bilbao, resisted bravely at Berrón and Villalaraza, where prisoners were taken. Intervene in the battle of Luchana and siege of Bilbao, set back of Siete Aguas, action of Santa María. Participated in the capture of San Sebastián and battle of Hernán, Campos de Alló and battle of Cobarrubias. Victoria en los Yébenes, Valdepeñas and Alcora, Actions of Peñacerrada, Sesma and Arroniz, siege and capture of Manzanera, Aliaga, Moella and Mora de Ebro.
3rd Line Infantry Regiment (Principe)
Juanvi: Regimientos de Infantería:
During the Carlists Wars (1833-1876); Actions of Peñacerrada, lines of Arlabán, Escaro and Villarobledo, siege of Bilbao, Actions of Mañaria, Galdácano, Monte Muro
4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
Actions at Catí (3rd battalion, 25 Sep 1837), Villar of Canes (3rd battalion, 26 Sep 1837), Alcora (3rd battalion, 19 Nov 1837) and Lucena (3rd battalion, 5 Apr 1838), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (3rd battalion, 15 Aug 1838), actions at Montán (3rd battalion, 22 Jan 1839) and Alcora (3rd battalion, 3 Feb 1839), siege and recapture of Morella (1st and 2nd battalions, 30 May 1840)
5th Line Infantry Regiment (Infante)
Siege, assault and retreat from Morella (3rd battalion, 15 Aug 1838), capture of Fort Ares (27 Mar 1840), siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
Siege and capture of Morella (3rd battalion, 10 Dec 1833), garrison of Almenara (2nd battalion, 1937), defence of Castellón (2nd battalion, 7 Jul 1837), garrison of Onda (3rd battalion, 1839) actions at Montán (2nd and 3rd battalions, 24 Jan 1839) and Alcora (2nd and 3rd battalions, 3 Feb 1839), siege and surrender of Tales (3rd battalion, 14 Aug 1839), operations in the Maestrazgo (2nd and 3rd battalions, 1840)
7th Line Infantry Regiment (Africa)
Siege, assault and retreat of Morella (1st and 2nd battalions, 15 Aug 1838)
9th Line Infantry Regiment (Soria)
Persecution of Carlist bands in the province of Castellón (Aug to Dec 1834), siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
Garrison of Morella (one battalion, Oct 1836), actions at Albocácer (3rd battalion, 4 Sep 1837), Catí (3rd battalion, 25 Oct 1837), Villar of Canes (3rd battalion, 26 Oct 1837) and Alcora (3rd battalion, 19 Nov 1837), raising of the siege of Lucena (3rd battalion, 10 Nov 1837), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (1st, 2nd and 3rd battalions, 15 Aug 1838), actions at Valley of Uxó (3rd battalion, 17 Feb 1838), mountains of Alcora (3rd battalion, 21 Mar 1838) and Figueroles (3rd battalion, 22 Mar 1838)
Juanvi: Regimientos de Infantería:
Actions of Arcos, Nazar, Muesa and Mendigorría. Actions of Miravalles, Villaró, battle of Mendigorra, Huesca, Barbastro and Graá. actions of Linares, Arcos de las Cantera, Alcora. Comates de Castil de la Peña, Morella, Uxó y Maella.
11th Line Infantry Regiment (San Fernando)
action at Catí (3rd battalion, 25 Oct 1837), action at Villar of Canes (3rd battalion, 26 Oct 1837), action at the heights of Alcora (3rd battalion, 19 Nov 1837), action at Cinctorres (3rd battalion, 29 Jul 1838), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (3rd battalion, 15 Aug 1838)
12th Line Infantry Regiment (Zaragoza)
13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
Action at the Coll de Vallibona (21 Nov 1833), siege and capture of Morella (3rd battalion, 10 Dec 1833), actions at Catí (3rd battalion, 23 Oct 1837) and Villar of Canes (3rd battalion, 25 Oct 1837), raising of the siege of Lucena (3rd battalion, 10 Nov 1837), relief of Lucena (3rd battalion, 20 Jul 1838) and siege, assault and retreat of Morella (3rd battalion, 15 Aug 1838), actions at Lucena (3rd battalion, 3 Feb 1839) and Alcora (3rd battalion, 3 Feb 1839), siege and recapture of Morella (3rd battalion, 30 May 1840)
14th Line Infantry Regiment (América)
Operations of Peñíscola in the Maestrazgo (Mar to Dec 1835)
15th Line Infantry Regiment (Extremadura)
16th Line Infantry Regiment (Castilla)
Cction at Cinctorres (27 Jul 1838), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (1st and 2nd battalions, 15 Aug 1838)
17th Line Infantry Regiment (Borbón)
Siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Persecution of Carlist bands in the province of Castelln (3rd battalion, Mar 1834), action at Torreblanca (3rd battalion, 21 Jan 1837), Surprise of Valley of Ux (3rd battalion, 30 Apr 1837), actions at Rosell (3rd battalion, 4 May 1837), Cat (3rd battalion, 18 May 1837) Morella (3rd battalion, 30 May 1837), Catí (3rd battalion, 25 Oct 1837), Villar of Canes (3rd battalion, 26 Oct 1837) and Onda (3rd battalion, 15 May 1838), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (3rd battalion, 15 Aug 1838), action at Ayódar (3rd battalion, 15 Apr 1839), siege and surrender of Tales (3rd battalion, 14 Aug 1839), occupation of Bejís (one battalion, 17 May 1840)
19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo de Ceuta)
Convoy from San Mateo to Morella (3rd battalion, 25 Feb 1835), action at Segorbe (3rd battalion, 18 Aug 1835), defence of Cervera (two companies of the 3rd battalion, Sep 1835), action at Cabanes (3rd battalion, 11 Nov 1835), garrison of Segorbe (Mar 1836), actions at Benasal (2nd and 3rd battalions, 2 Jun 1836) and Soneja (2nd and 3rd battalions, 1 Jul 1836), attack on the heights of Bejís (2nd and 3rd battalions, 21 Sep 1836), garrison of San Mateo (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th companies of the 3rd battalion, Apr 1837), defence of San Mateo (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th companies of the 3rd battalion, 3 May 1837), action at Catí (1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th companies of the 3rd battalion, 12 May 1837), actions at Villavieja (2nd battalion, 8 Feb 1838), Valley of Uxó (2nd battalion, 16 Feb 1838), Onda (2nd battalion, 16 Mar 1838) and Alcora (2nd battalion, 21 Mar 1838), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (2nd battalion, 15 Aug 1838), action at Alcora (2nd battalion, 3 Feb 1839), garrison of Onda (2nd battalion, May 1839), siege and capture of Lucena (2nd battalion, 1 Aug 1839), siege and surrender of Tales (2nd battalion, 14 Aug 1839), Capture of Fort Bejís (22 May 1840)
22nd Line Infantry Regiment (Gerona)
Protection of convoys from Segorbe to Teruel (Jan to Apr 1840), siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
24th Line Infantry Regiment (Bailén)
Action at Morella (6 and 9 Dec 1833)
27th Line Infantry Regiment (Reina Gobernadora)
Siege, assault and retreat of Morella (1st battalion, 15 Aug 1838), siege and capture of Lucena (four companies, 1 Aug 1839)
2nd Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Aragón)
Siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
3rd Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Gerona)
Combat of Novaliches (22 Mar 1840), siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
4th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Valencia)
Operations in the area of Morella (1st battalion, Jun to Aug 1838), action at Jérica (22 Mar 1840), siege and capture of San Mateo (17 May 1840)
5th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Bailén)
Siege and capture of Morella (10 Dec 1833)
6th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Navarra)
Actions at Alcora (1st battalion, 21 Mar 1838) and Azuébar (1st battalion, 22 Jun 1838), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (1st battalion, 15 Aug 1838), action at Lucena (1st battalion, 17 Jun 1839)
10th Light Infantry Regiment (Cazadores of Luchana)
Actions at Montán (21 Jan 1839) and Lucena (3 Feb and 17 Jun 1839), capture of Fort Bejís (22 May 1840), siege and recapture of Morella (30 May 1840)
Battalion Cazadores of “Oporto” (Legión Portuguesa)
Action at Torreblanca (Jan 1837), garrison and defence of Castellón (Apr to Jul 1837), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (15 Aug 1838)
7th Provincial Regiment (León)
Garrison of Castellón (Jun 1836), garrison of Benicarló (two companies, Jan 1838)
21st Provincial Regiment (Santiago)
Garrison of Segorbe (Mar 1836) and Vinaroz (Feb 1839)
29th Provincial Regiment (Cuenca)
Action at Morella (Nov 1833), garrison of Morella (Dec 1833 to Feb 1834), garrison of San Mateo (May 1837)
33rd Provincial Regiment (Lorca)
Garrison of Morella (one company, Oct 1836), defence of Castellón (Jul 1837)
37th Provincial Regiment (Ciudad Real)
Garrison of Segorbe (Nov 1837), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (15 Aug 1838), garrison of Almenara (Feb 1839)
1st Battalion Volunteers of Valencia (Cuerpo franco)
Garrison of Morella (2nd company, Oct 1836), siege, assault and retreat of Morella (15 Aug 1838)
3rd Battalion Volunteers of Valencia (Cuerpo franco)
Garrison and defence of Castellón (Jun and Jul 1837)
Orders of Battle deduced from above
Attack on the heights of Bejís (21 Sep 1836)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd and 3rd battalions, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Garrison of Morella (Oct 1836)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
One battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
One company, 33rd Provincial Regiment (Lorca)
2nd company, 1st Battalion Volunteers of Valencia (Cuerpo franco)
Garrison of Almenara (1937)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd battalion, 6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
Action at Torreblanca (21 Jan 1837)
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Battalion Cazadores of “Oporto” (Legión Portuguesa)
Garrison and defence of Castellón (Apr to Jul 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
Battalion Cazadores of “Oporto” (Legión Portuguesa)
Surprise of Valley of Uxó (30 Apr 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Garrison of San Mateo (Apr 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th companies of the 3rd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Garrison of San Mateo (May 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
29th Provincial Regiment (Cuenca)
Defence of San Mateo (3 May 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th companies of the 3rd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Action at Rosell (4 May 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Action at Catí (12 May 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th companies of the 3rd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Action at Catí (18 May 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Action at Morella (30 May 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Garrison of Castellón (Jun 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd Battalion Volunteers of Valencia (Cuerpo franco)
Defence of Castellón (7 Jul 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd battalion, 6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
33rd Provincial Regiment (Lorca)
3rd Battalion Volunteers of Valencia (Cuerpo franco)
Action at Albocácer (4 Sep 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
Action at Catí (25 Sep 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
Action at Villar of Canes (26 Sep 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
Action at Catí (23 Oct 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
Action at Catí (25 Oct 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
3rd battalion, 11th Line Infantry Regiment (San Fernando)
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Action at Villar of Canes (25 Oct 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
Action at Villar of Canes (26 Oct 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
3rd battalion, 11th Line Infantry Regiment (San Fernando)
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Garrison of Segorbe (Nov 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
37th Provincial Regiment (Ciudad Real)
Raising of the Siege of Lucena (10 Nov 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
3rd battalion, 13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
Action at Heights of Alcora (19 Nov 1837)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
3rd battalion,11th Line Infantry Regiment (San Fernando)
Garrison of Benicarló (Jan 1838)
Two companies, 7th Provincial Regiment (León)
Action at Villavieja (8 Feb 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Action at Valley of Uxó (16 Feb 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Action at Valley of Uxó (17 Feb 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
Action at Onda (16 Mar 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Action at Alcora Heights (21 Mar 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
1st battalion, 6th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Navarra)
Action at Figueroles (22 Mar 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Crdoba)
Action at Lucena (5 Apr 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
Action at Onda (15 May 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Operations in the area of Morella (Jun to Aug 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 4th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Valencia)
Action at Azuébar (22 Jun 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 6th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Navarra)
Action at Valley of Alcora (29 Jun 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
Relief of Lucena (20 Jul 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
Action at Cinctorres (27 Jul 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
16th Line Infantry Regiment (Castilla)
Action at Cinctorres (29 Jul 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 11th Line Infantry Regiment (San Fernando)
Siege of Morella (15 Aug 1838)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
One battalion, 1st Line Infantry Regiment (Rey)
1st battalion, 2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
3rd battalion, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
3rd battalion, 5th Line Infantry Regiment (Infante)
1st and 2nd battalions, 7th Line Infantry Regiment (Africa)
1st, 2nd and 3rd battalions, 10th Line Infantry Regiment (Córdoba)
3rd battalion, 11th Line Infantry Regiment (San Fernando)
13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
1st and 2nd battalions, 16th Line Infantry Regiment (Castilla)
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
1st battalion, 27th Line Infantry Regiment (Reina Gobernadora)
1st battalion, 6th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Navarra)
Battalion Cazadores of “Oporto” (Legión Portuguesa)
37th Provincial Regiment (Ciudad Real)
1st Battalion Volunteers of Valencia (Cuerpo franco)
Garrison of Onda (1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
Action at Montn (21 Jan 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
10th Light Infantry Regiment (Cazadores of Luchana)
Action at Montán (22 Jan 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
Action at Montán (24 Jan 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd and 3rd battalions, 6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
Garrison of Vinaroz (Feb 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
21st Provincial Regiment (Santiago)
Garrison of Almenara (Feb 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
37th Provincial Regiment (Ciudad Real)
Action at Alcora Heights (3 Feb 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
3rd battalion, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
2nd and 3rd battalions, 6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
3rd battalion, 13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Action at Lucena (3 Feb 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
One of several actions at Lucena.
3rd battalion, 13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
10th Light Infantry Regiment (Cazadores of Luchana)
Action at Ayódar (15 Apr 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Garrison of Onda (May 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Action at Ayódar (16 May 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
Action at Lucena (17 Jun 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 6th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Navarra)
10th Light Infantry Regiment (Cazadores of Luchana)
Action at Lucena (1 Jul 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
Raising of the Siege of Lucena (17 Jul 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 1st Line Infantry Regiment (Rey)
2nd and 3rd battalions, 2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
Siege of Lucena (1 Aug 1839)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
four companies, 27th Line Infantry Regiment (Reina Gobernadora)
Siege of Tales (14 Aug 1839),
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st battalion, 1st Line Infantry Regiment (Rey)
2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
3rd battalion, 6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
3rd battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
2nd battalion, 19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
Operations in the Maestrazgo (1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
2nd and 3rd battalions, 6th Line Infantry Regiment (Saboya)
Protection of convoys from Segorbe to Teruel (Jan to Apr 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
22nd Line Infantry Regiment (Gerona)
Occupation of Bejís (17 May 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
one battalion, 18th Line Infantry Regiment (Almansa)
Capture of Fort Bejís (22 May 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
19th Regiment of Infantry (Fijo of Ceuta)
10th Light Infantry Regiment (Cazadores of Luchana)
Action at Jérica (22 Mar 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
4th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Valencia)
Skirmish of Novaliches (22 Mar 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
3rd Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Gerona)
Capture of Fort Ares (27 Mar 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
5th Line Infantry Regiment (Infante)
Siege and taking of San Mateo (17 May 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
4th Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Valencia)
Siege of Morella (30 May 1840)
Order of Battle from Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936):
1st Line Infantry Regiment (Rey)
2nd Line Infantry Regiment (Reina)
1st and 2nd battalions, 4th Line Infantry Regiment (Princesa)
5th Line Infantry Regiment (Infante)
9th Line Infantry Regiment (Soria)
3rd battalion, 13th Line Infantry Regiment (Mallorca)
17th Line Infantry Regiment (Borbón)
22nd Line Infantry Regiment (Gerona)
2nd Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Aragón)
3rd Light Infantry Regiment (Volunteers of Gerona)
10th Light Infantry Regiment (Cazadores of Luchana)
Aula Militar: Un siglo de presencia militar en nuestra provincia (1833-1936)
?? TODO ?? To merge in from Juanvi: Regimientos de Infantería:
Sitio de Morella, accion de Ulldecona, Rocafort, Riu Colls y Malagarriga, ataque de Tales y toma
de Solsona.9
Acciones de Arlabán, Villarreal de Alava, sitio de Bilbao, batalla de Luchana, reductos de
Oriamendi, reconquista de Irún, Fuenterrabía, Batalla de Chiva, acción de Alcolea, Ager, sitio de
Morella, batallas de Vich11
Defensa de Tolosa, Defensa del tercer sitio de Bilbao, acciones en las zonas vascas, aragonesas y
norte de Castilla.13
Cerco de Morella, Hostall y Coll de Villabona. Acciones de Pinares de Olmo y Ochagavía, Viscarret,
combate de Peña de Orduña. Acción de Linzoain y Espinar. Copmbate En Villareal de Alava y batalla
de Luchana. Acciones de Galdácano, Baceite y Gandesa. Batallas de Catí y Villar de Canes. Socorro
de Lucena, Morella y Urdax, acciones de Montalbán y Alcora. Sitio castillo de Segura , Castellote
y Morella.16
Acciones de Estalla, Mendigorría y Montejurra. Combates de San Sebastin, Peñas de Urnieta,
Andoaín y Echaluce.