If you have already Downloaded Tilly’s Very Bad Day (PDF) you might want the Quick Reference Sheet (QRS) as well. This is for version 2.
The download is a PDF but if you fancy an PNG …
Spanish and Portuguese Military History,
Wargaming, and other stuff
If you have already Downloaded Tilly’s Very Bad Day (PDF) you might want the Quick Reference Sheet (QRS) as well. This is for version 2.
The download is a PDF but if you fancy an PNG …
Very interesting set of rules. Right now I am painted Portuguese colonials for the 16th century using Irregular Wars: Wargaming at the World’s End. My next project will be the War of Restoration and I am thinking of using your rules for that conflict. Keep up the good work.
I’ve started reading the rules and am impressed. I bought the Vendel 28mm Elizabethan/Renaissance/Border Reiver figure line a couple of years ago. I think these are under-gamed periods. I am hoping Pikeman’s Lament and Ireegular Wars will help with that, but there is a need for a game like Tilly’s VBD. I’m thinking of 6 inch wide units on 3x 2 inch by 2 inch stands, using plinths so the same figures can be used for these smaller scale games. (4 figures per base.) (BTW these plinths could likely work for IW too.)
That would look awesome Bill.