Maipo – A Liberators HOTT Battle Report

Chris Harrod and Kevin Pridgeon played my Liberators HOTT scenario for Maipo. Chris was the defending Royalists and Kevin the attacking Patriots. It was Kevin’s first try with historical wargames and Liberators HOTT in particular. A good fun game but the HOTT timescale didn’t work.

Set Up

Setting: Maipo, South of Santiago, Chile; 5 Apr 1818

The table was based on the map from the scenario but shrunk to fit a 3′ x 2′ table.

Maipo-203 3x2 table
Maipo-203 3×2 table

Unusually for us the game was accompanied by some light refreshments.

Maipo-204 Patriots enjoy a beer before the battle
Maipo-204 Patriots enjoy a beer before the battle

I was the umpire but as Chris and Kevin didn’t need one I drank beer while I watched.

Maipo-201 Umpire providing unbiased advice
Maipo-201 Umpire providing unbiased advice

Kevin was new to HOTT and thought it worthwhile spending the few minutes of set up time skim reading the rules.

Maipo-202 Kevin speed reading HOTT
Maipo-202 Kevin speed reading HOTT

Chris’s Royalists set up on the two hills. Chris massed his cavalry in the centre of the line on the big hill. Kevin put his cavalry on the wings with artillery and infantry across the centre.

Maipo-205 Deployment
Maipo-205 Deployment

The Battle

The first few turns involved Kevin trudging across the open ground between the two big hills.

Maipo-206 Table 1130 hours
Maipo-206 Table 1130 hours
Maipo-207 Table 1200 hours - Royalist artillery nibbles at Patriot line
Maipo-207 Table 1200 hours – Royalist artillery nibbles at Patriot line

The long slow advance of the Patriots gave amble time for the Royalist artillery to try to inflict casualties.

Maipo-208 view from Royalist lines
Maipo-208 view from Royalist lines
Maipo-209 View from Patriot side
Maipo-209 View from Patriot side

By 1230 the Patriots were half way across the open ground and Chris thought it time to redeploy troops. He got his left flank battery into a better position to fire against the advancing Patriots.

Maipo-210 table 1230 hours - Royalists redeploy as Patriots advance
Maipo-210 table 1230 hours – Royalists redeploy as Patriots advance

Chris also moved some cavalry towards his right flank.

Maipo-211 Royalist Cavalry redeploy
Maipo-211 Royalist Cavalry redeploy
Maipo-212 table 1300 hours - Slow trudge continues
Maipo-212 table 1300 hours – Slow trudge continues

At 1330 hours Chris had pulled his line back from the crest of the big hill. This sheltered them from the guns of the advancing Patriots. He left his own guns on the crest line so they could continue to fire.

Maipo-213 table 1330 hours - Royalists pull back from crest line
Maipo-213 table 1330 hours – Royalists pull back from crest line
Maipo-214 table 1400 hours - Royalists tidy their line as the Patriots climb the hill
Maipo-214 table 1400 hours – Royalists tidy their line as the Patriots climb the hill

On the Royalist left Chris’s guns were nibbling at the flank of the Patriot line.

Maipo-215 Royalist left
Maipo-215 Royalist left

Kevin couldn’t ignore this threat and diverted some elements to face the Royalists on the small hill.

Maipo-217 Table 1430 hours

Although the fight on the hill involved blood on both sides the Royalists triumphed.

Maipo-216 Royalist left 1430 hours
Maipo-216 Royalist left 1430 hours

But that was just a skirmish compared to the massed fire fight on the big hill.

Maipo-221 table 1500 hours
Maipo-221 table 1500 hours

Chris realised too late that he had forfeited a +1 bonus in combat by withdrawing from the crest line.

Maipo-219 1500 hours big clash
Maipo-219 1500 hours big clash

The Patriot cavalry on the Royalist left won quickly.

Maipo-220 Royalist left with victorious Patriot cavalry
Maipo-220 Royalist left with victorious Patriot cavalry

But the tipping point happened in the centre when the Royalist general was shot dead.

Maipo-222 Fatal shot
Maipo-222 Fatal shot


It was a good fun game that lasted about two hours.

Kevin won with fairly no nonsense tactics. Massed frontal assault.

Chris found that hills and their crest lines are a mixed blessing. You have to take care to both use crests to shelter your troops from the enemy and to give a +1 in combat at the critical moment.

The only thing about the game that niggled was that it took 4 hours of game time for the Patriots to advance to contact. Far too unrealistic given the distances involved. So rather than the HOTT time scale of one player bound is 15 minutes (one turn is 30 minutes) I’d be tempted by 5 minutes per player bound (10 minutes per turn). At that time scale it would have taken 1 hour and 20 minutes to cross the open ground between the big hills – which seems more reasonable.

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