I’ve been rebasing my Rise of Rome armies for Big Base DBA. The first off the re-flocking table are the Ancient Spanish. 14 big bases of Iberian glory.
Standard DBA Army List
First up is the configuration for the standard army = DBA II/39 Ancient Spanish 240BC-20BC. 12 big elements.
The army has six elements of Scutarii each with 12 figures.
The Light Infantry (Psiloi) comprise three elements of Caetrati, javelin armed skirmishers, and an element of slingers.
There are only two elements of horse. One is a Cavalry stand with the General.
The other horse element are Light Horse.
Revised Ancient Spanish DBA Army List
Next up is the army using my Revised Ancient Spanish DBA Army List. Again 12 big bases. But for the revised list I’ve replaced the element of Light Horse with an element of Cavalry.
I’ve also sacrificed an element of Psiloi – the slingers – to get an element of Warband. These are Celtiberians.
Wayne Turner painted the vast majority of the figures based on my Spanish Painting Guide. What Wayne didn’t paint Nigel Fun-nell painted. Both use the Black Undercoat Method of painting.
The majority of figures are from Essex Miniatures although Chariot Miniatures (now owned by Magister Militum) are a close runner up. The odd Donnington also appears. And also I took the liberty to sprinkle in some Corvus Belli during the rebasing.
Originally I was not super religious about just using “Spanish” figures so a fair few foreigners (Romans, Italians and Greeks) appeared in my Spanish army. This was mostly because there wasn’t much variety available when I put the army together but also on the assumption that there would have been a fair amount of cultural and/or equipment cross-pollination around the Mediterranean. However, as I rebased I weeded out the foreigners – the current range of manufacturers provide plenty enough variety just in the Spanish ranges.
I based and flocked them. Each infantry base is 80mm wide and 40mm deep; 12 figures for heavy infantry and four figures for light infantry. Each mounted stand gets six heavy cavalry or four light cavalry.
Really nice looking, big base has more of the army look, with plenty of variety in colour and pose.