I’ve had my New Kingdom Egyptian army for four years now. Wow. I thought it was time to feature in. It is for Big Base DBA. I’ve taken both options from DBA I/22 New Kingdom Egyptian 1543BC-1069BC.
The host
I took both options from DBA I/22 New Kingdom Egyptian 1543BC-1069BC because it gave me an excuse to buy more figures. Not that I need much of an excuse.
I//22 New Kingdom Egyptian
Ag: 2
- (a) 1543-1200BC
- 1 x LCh (Gen) [Egyptian]
- 3 x LCh [Egyptian, Canaanite, Syrian]
- 3 x 3/4Bd [Egyptian close fighters with spear and/or axe; Sherden; Royal Guard including Egyptians and Sherden]
- 4 x 4Bw [Egyptians]
- 1 x 2Ps [Egyptian, Nubian, Syrian or Canaanite archers; Egyptian, Libyan, Syrian or Canaanite javelinmen]
- (b) 1199-1069BC
- 1 x LCh (Gen) [Egyptian]
- 3 x LCh [Egyptian, Canaanite, Syrian]
- 3 x 3/4Bd [Egyptian close fighters with spear and/or axe; Sherden; Royal Guard including Egyptians and Sherden]
- 3 x 4Bw [Egyptians]
- 1 x 3Wb [Libyan or Sea Peoples]
- 1 x 2Ps [Egyptian, Nubian, Syrian or Canaanite archers; Egyptian, Libyan, Syrian or Canaanite javelinmen]
The only difference in the army list is that option (a) has a 4th Egyptian bowmen stand and (b) has a Libyan or Sea Peoples warband instead. But I chose to distinguish the armies in another way. I’ve given option (a) bowmen with a padded linen head cloth and option (b) has bowmen with a blue war bonnet.
So here is option (a) with four bowmen stands, all with padded linen head clothes.
And option (b) with only three bowmen stands, all with blue war bonnets, plus a Libyan warband.
General / Pharaoh
The Egyptians have gotta have a Pharaoh right. So here he is. Actually I’ve got two options. The first is a DBA big base (80mm x 60mm) with two chariots and two chariot runners. Pharaoh is on one of the chariots … he’s the archer with a blue war bonnet. Very Rameses II.
To continue a recent trend I’ve also got Pharaoh on a 40mm round base. This isn’t DBA but is increasingly common in more modern rules.
Speaking of chariots. I’ve got a bunch. Each big base DBA stand is 80mm x 60mm and has two chariots, with two men in each chariot, and two chariot runners on the ground. This is the way I believe they fought.
For the DBA army I only need four chariot stands including the general.
Close Combat Fighters
The close combat fighters are the mainstay of the New Kingdom Egyptian army.
Sherden Guard
The Sherden guard are a variation on the close combat fighters. In DBA they are interchangeable because DBA does not have morale. In DBA I’d only field one Sherden stand in a typical New Kingdom Egyptian army.
But I’ve got more where that one came from.
After the chariots the archers are the most famous part of the New Kingdom Egyptian army. As I said above army list option (a) with four bowmen stands, all with padded linen head clothes.
And army list option (b) with only three bowmen stands, all with blue war bonnets.
And, once again, I have quite a few extra Bowmen to allow me to stage bigger battles.
The New Kingdom Egyptian army only gets one skirmisher (Psiloi). I field a Nubian archer stand.
But I’ve got several options in the box. More Nubians and a stand of Egyptian archers in skirmish formation.
Libyans and Sea Peoples are an option for army list (b). I’ve opted for Libyas. One stand.
Again I have several more to draw upon at need. Although these guys are more likely to appear as part of the Sea Peoples army.
Now for the camp. Illustrations of the Battle of Kadesh show the Egyptian camp as tents, surrounded by a wall of infantry shields, and fantastical creatures guarding the gates. The baueda miniatures Egyptian Camp is perfect. My normal Big Base DBA camps are 120mm x 80mm. I got a double sized camp for the New Kingdom Egyptians. This is because the Egyptian camp at the Battle of Kadesh was surrounded by the Hittites so would be entirely on table in a refight. I painted the camp.
I didn’t bother with the tents inside as I wanted open space to put troops.
The start of the the Battle of Kadesh has an Egyptian convoy being attacked by the Hittites. So I thought I’d use my Sea Peoples wagons for this.
Martin Boulter from Silurian Wargames Limited painted the New Kingdom Egyptian. He uses a style that is similar to the Black Undercoat Method of painting but uses more shades. For example on the flesh he uses a mid brown base layer then does highlights in flesh tones.
The figures are from Essex Miniatures, Chariot Miniatures by Magister Militum.
I based and flocked them. Each infantry base is 80mm wide and 40mm deep; 12 figures for heavy infantry and four figures for light infantry. Cavalry are either six (heavy) or four figures (light) on a 80mm wide by 60mm deep base. Chariots are two vehicles to a 80mm wide by 60mm deep base plus two chariot runners.
They they look awesome!
thanks Rich
To differentiate Sherden Guard from close combat fighters, perhaps treat them as warband?
A few things about that Chris:
(1) I don’t like Warband as a troop type. They behave in an unhistorical knife through butter manner.
(2) We have nothing written about how Sherden Guard behaved differently to Egyptian Close Combat fighters. Visual depictions has them equipped similarly (aside from costume design). So any distinction would be arbitrary .
(3) If I was inclined to be arbitrary I’d want to make them, as guards, guard-like. Solid types. Which is more Blade than Warband.
(4) Sherden are, of course, Sea Peoples; so whatever classification I used in the Egyptian list I would be inclined to use in the Sea Peoples. Now you can just repeat points 1-3 but for the Sea Peoples. So I’m more inclined to Blade than Warband for Sea Peoples.