Sipe Sipe – A Bolivar’s Very Bad Day Battle Report

SipeSipe-106A Royalist right and centre - Banner

Jamie and Adam came over to play test Bolivar’s Very Bad Day, my Liberators variant of Tilly’s Very Bad Day. I’d just finished the hill for Battle of Sipe Sipe (29 Nov 1815), so decided to give the associated Sipe Sipe Scenario a go. Because we were play testing the rules, we wouldn’t have enough time to complete the battle but we figured we’d give it a go anyway.

Summary: Draw because we ran out of time. But good play test of the scenario and rules. Lots on insights most notably, the jungle fighting felt wrong under the draft rules and there shouldn’t actually be jungle fighting at all in the scenario. Both rules and scenario need tweaks.

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Steven’s 1815 Argentine Army on Big Bases

Liberators-841 Argentine 1815 7th Infantry Regiment - Back - Banner

I thought I’d show off my 1815 Argentines. I my thoughts on Using Big Base Liberators Figures of 1817-18 for 1815 I highlighted a few gaps that I needed to fill before I could refight Sipe Sipe. I could use some figures from my 1817-18 Argentineans but I had to get a few more.

If you are interested in the other side, I’ve already posted on my 1815 Royalists.

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Steven’s 1815 Royalist Army on Big Bases

Liberators-876 Royalist 1815 Partidario Battalion - Column - Banner

My thoughts on Using Big Base Liberators Figures of 1817-18 for 1815 highlighted a few gaps that I needed to fill before I could refight Sipe Sipe. I could use some figures from my Royalists of 1817 and 1818 but there were a fair few units that didn’t have a direct equivalent. That gave me an excuse to get some more. Okay, it isn’t hard to convince me to get more figures – in this case it just took some fancy uniforms that aren’t seen in other years of the Wars of South American Liberation.

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Using 15mm Liberators Figures of 1817-18 for 1815

I’m nearing completion of my 1817-18 Chile Project and wondered how I can reuse those figures for another campaign. The third campaign in Upper Peru (Jan-Nov 1815), featuring the Battle of Viluma / Sipe Sipe, looks a good candidate and these are my notes on how to how to create the new armies based on the old. I have put together a Order of Battle for iluma / Sipe Sipe as the basis for my thinking.

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