A painting guide for the Battle of Viluma / Sipe Sipe of 1815.
Unless mentioned all units are white.
There is a question about the headgear worn by the Argentine grenadiers. By 1817-18 the grenadiers wore a shako with a colpack (bag attached) (Fletcher, 2005). Prior to that the grenadiers wore the traditional bearskin. It isn’t clear when exactly the uniform changed. Pedrazzoli (2010) has an illustration of a grenadier of Infantry Regiment 2 with the shako and colpack. Other units are shown with bearskin. In contrast Fletcher (2005) has all the grenadiers with shako and colpack. I asked the two authors on the Liberators 1810-1830 Yahoo Discussion Forum to explain the difference of opinion. Essentially they agreed that the transition happened in 1814-15 but probably by different units at different times. Fletcher obviously assumed it happened earlier than Pedrazzoli did. (Pedrazzoli also mentioned that the transition was a matter of economy.) The upshot is that there is sufficient leeway that I can do what I want … which means use the grenadiers I’ve already got painted with shako and colpack.
1st Infantry Regiment
Fletcher (2005) gives them a blue single breasted jacket with red collar and cuffs, yellow buttons, no turnbacks. White straps and blue trousers. Shakos have usual company distinctions for fusilier (white), grenadier (red with colpack) and cazadore (green).
6th (Pardos & Morenos) Infantry Regiment
A black regiment.
Fletcher (2005) gives them the same uniform as the 1st Infantry Regiment but with white trousers.
7th Infantry Regiment
A black regiment.
Fletcher (2005) gives them a red jacket with black collars and cuff, no turnbacks. White trousers and usual Patriot shakos.
Pedrazzoli (2010) has the same uniform except the fusiliers and cazadores have a shako with colpack. The grenadiers wore a bearskin.
9th Infantry Regiment
Fletcher (2005) gives them the same uniform as the 1st regiment but silver buttons and a black strap.
12th Infantry Regiment
Same uniform as the 9th battalion (Fletcher, 2005).
Two battalions of this regiment \were present (800 men in total).
Cazadore Battalion
Fletcher (2005) gives them single breasted blue jacket with red collar and cuffs and yellow buttons. White straps. Blue trousers. Shako with green distinctions.
Granaderos a Caballos
Fletcher (2005) gives them the same uniform as in Chile.
Peru Dragoons
Fletcher (2005) has the Peru Dragoons in the Orbat but the painting guide mentions the Peru Line Cavalry; I assume they are the same chaps.
Fletcher (2005) gives them a single breasted blue jacket with red collars, cuffs, and turnbacks. Blue trousers, Black strap. Shako with red plume, ribbon and colpack!
Fletcher (2005) gives the artillery a blue single breasted jacket with red collar, cuffs and turnbacks. White piping on cuffs and collar. White straps. Yellow buttons. Shako with red plume and ribbon.
Again (Fletcher, 2005) and Pedrazzoli (2011) disagree on headgear. Fletcher gives the Royalist Grenadiers normal shakos with red distinctions. Pedrazzoli gives them bearskins.
1st Infantry Regiment
Fletcher (2005) gives them a blue jacket with red lapels, collar, cuffs and turnbacks, and yellow buttons. White piping on collar and cuffs. Blue waistcoat. White straps. White trousers. Shakos have usual company distinctions for fusilier (white), grenadier (red with colpack) and cazadore (green although pompom is red).
Pedrazzoli (2011) gives them a unique black uniform. Black jacket ith crimson lapels and facings, yellow piping and silver buttons. Black trousers, shoes and gaiters. White waistcoat. Fusiliers and cazadores have the shako but the Grenadiers have the bearskin with a crimson bag. Grenadiers and cazadores had three white stripes on the cuffs. Drummers wore a red hussar dolman and red trousers. Collar and cuffs are black with yellow piping. Officers wore a bicorn and either white or black breaches.
2nd Infantry Regiment
Fletcher (2005) gives them the same uniform as the 1st Line Regiment. Blue jacket etc.
Pedrazzoli (2011) does the same. But for him that means black jackets etc.
3rd Infantry Regiment / Centre Battalion
Fletcher (2005) gives them the same uniform as the 1st Line Regiment but with no piping on collar and cuffs. Blue jacket with red lapels, collar, cuffs and turnbacks, and yellow buttons. Blue waistcoat. White straps. White trousers. Shakos have usual company distinctions for fusilier (white), grenadier (red with colpack) and cazadore (green although pompom is red).
Pedrazzoli (2011) gives them blue coat with crimson collars, cuffs, turnbacks and piping. Blue trousers. White waistcoat. Whte strapes.
4th Infantry Regiment / Reserve Grenadier Infantry Battalion
Fletcher (2005) gives them the same uniform as the 1st Line Regiment but with no piping on collar and cuffs. Fletcher (2005) gives them a blue jacket with red lapels, collar, cuffs and turnbacks, and yellow buttons. White piping on collar and cuffs. Blue waistcoat. White straps. White trousers. All Shakos had the grenadier distinctions, i.e. red.
Pedrazzoli (2011) agrees on the blue jacket with red lapels, collar, and cuffs. But makes the turnbacks blue, the piping on collars yellow, and gives them bearskins with crimson bags rather than shakos. Trousers were white for full dress and blue on campaign. Shoes and long gaiters were black.
Cazadore Battalion
This unit started life with a green uniform and later got a blue one. Once again Fletcher (2005) and Pedrazzoli (2010) disagree on the timing of this change.
Fletcher (2005) gives them a blue jacket with blue lapels, red collar, cuffs and urnbacks, and yellow buttons. Blue waistcoat. White straps. White trousers. Shako with green plume and ribbon.
Pedrazzoli (2011) gives them a green jacket and trousers. Jacket has red collar and cuffs. White turnbacks with red piping. White straps. Shako with green plume and cords.
Fernando VII Battalion
Fletcher (2005) gives a green single breasted jacket with brown collar and cuffs, red turnbacks, yellow buttons. White trousers. White strap. Usual Shakos.
Pedrazzoli (2011) gives a green single breasted jacket with purple collar and cuffs, white turnbacks, white buttons. White trousers. White strap. Shakos with white plume and ribbon. Officers wore bicorn.
Partiddario Infantry Battalion
Fletcher (2005) gives them a blue jacket with red lapels and turnbacks, white collar and cuffs, and yellow buttons. Yellow piping on collar. Blue waistcoat. White straps. Blue trousers. Shako with red plume and white ribbon.
Pedrazzoli (2009, 2011) agrees to most of that. He has these chaps in a shako with colpack, like the 1817-18 Argentine grenadiers. And he gives them a red waistcoat.
Voluntarios de Castro Battalion
Fletcher (2005) gives them a blue jacket with blue lapels, red collar, cuffs and turnbacks, and white buttons. Blue waistcoat. White straps. White trousers. Usual shakos.
Pedrazzoli (2011) gives them a blue jacket with crimson lapels, red collar, cuffs and piping, and white buttons. White waistcoat. White straps. Blue trousers. Usual shakos and bearskins. Drummers wore green jacket and trousers with red collar and cuffs and white piping.
Dismounted Cavalry
Not sure who these guys were
Cazadores a Caballo
Fletcher (2005) gives them green jacket and trousers. Jacket has red collar, cuff, and turnbacks. Yellow buttons and white lace. Shako has red plume and white ribbon.
Cochabamba Dragoons
Not mentioned by Fletcher (2005)
Guardia del General Cavalry
Fletcher (2005) gives the Escort Squadron – which I assume is this unit – a blue jacket with blue lapels, red collar, cuffs and turnbacks, and yellow buttons. Blue waistcoat. White straps. Blue trousers. Helmet.
San Carlos Dragoons
Fletcher (2005) gives them blue jacket and trousers. Jacket has red collar and cuff. No turnbacks. Yellow buttons and white lace. Shako has red plume and white ribbon.
Fletcher (2005) gives them blue jacket and trousers. Jacket has red collar, cuffs, and turnbacks. Yellow buttons. Shako has red plume and ribbon.
Fletcher, J. (2005). Liberators! Volume 1: The War in the South. Grenadier Productions..
Fletcher, J. (2006). Liberators! Supplement 1: The War in the South. Grenadier Productions.
Hooker, T. (1991). The Armies of Bolivar and San Martin [Men-at-Arms 232]. Osprey.
Pedrazzoli, F. D. (2009). Viluma 1815: The revolution beheaded. Madrid, Spain: Regimentos de America.
Pedrazzoli, F. D. (2010). Uniforms of the Northern Army: Infantry – Upper Peru 1814-15. Madrid, Spain: Regimentos de America.
Pedrazzoli, F. D. (2011). Pezuela’s Army Uniforms: Infantry – Upper Peru 1813-15. Madrid, Spain: Regimentos de America.