My WW2 Japanese are ready for duty in Crossfire. I went for a high priority Type ‘A’ Battalion. Then I added in all the support elements. So I’ve got a massively reinforced Leg Infantry Battalion. Weaker formations, i.e. battalions from a Type ‘B’ Division, Type ‘C’ Division, Mixed Infantry Brigade, or Independent Mixed Brigade, would have less than this.
Order of Battle
As a reminder from Japanese Leg Battalion – Revised Organisation for Crossfire, Japanese infantry battalions had different orders of battle depending on which division or brigade they were from. The options are:
- High Priority ‘A’ (Ko) Division – reinforced and with additional assets missing from a normal Type ‘A’
- ‘A’ (Ko) Division – reinforced
- ‘B’ (Otsu) Division – standard
- ‘C’ (Hei) Division – special / garrison – weakened, peculiar to China
- Independent Infantry Brigade (1942-45)
- Independent Mixed Brigade (1942-45)
I’ve gone for massively reinforced high priority Type ‘A’ Leg Infantry Battalion. Because I’ve gone for all options, and because ‘A’ types are kind of a superset anyway, I can field all the options from Japanese Leg Battalion – Revised Organisation for Crossfire and Japanese Tank Hunter Teams in Crossfire.
Steven’s Massively Reinforced Japanese Type ‘A’ Leg Infantry Battalion
- 1 x High Priority Type ‘A’ Leg Infantry Battalion
- 1 x BC
- 2 x on-table 70mm Type 92 Infantry Guns
- 4 x x 37mm ATG with optional tow
- 0 x 20mm cannon with optional tow
- 3 x HMG
- 4 x Rifle Companies
- 1 x CC(+1)
- 2 x Rifle Squads with ATR
- 3 x Rifle Platoons
- 1 x PC(+1)
- 2 x Rifle Squads
- 1 x Tank Hunter Rifle Squad
- 1 x 5cm (Knee) Mortar Squad
- 1 x Tank Hunter Company / Engineer Company
- 1 x CC(+1)
- 3 x Tank Hunter Platoons
- 1 x PC(+1)
- 3 x Tank Hunter Engineer Squads
- 1 x Tank Hunter Engineer Assault Squad
- 1 x Tank Hunter Engineer Assault Platoon
- 1 x PC(+1)
- 3 x Tank Hunter Engineer Assault Squads
- 1 x 47mm Type 1 Anti-Tank Gun Company from the Infantry Regiment
- 1 x PC
- 4 x 47mm Type 1 ATG with optional tow
- 1 x Artillery Regiment
- 4 x FO for off-table 75mm Guns
- 2 x On-table 75mm Type 38 Field Gun
- 2 x On-table 75mm Type 41 Mountain Guns
- 1 x Field Artillery
- 4 x FO for off-table Heavy Artillery (105mm or 150mm howitzers)
Getting ready

The Box

Battalion HQ
All my battalion commander (BC) are on bases 50mm x 50mm to distinguish them from company commanders. I fill up the extra space with more figures and the appropriate vehicle or supply element. I figure a Japanese battalion commander (BC) needs a flag and mules. The flag is from my WW2 Japanese Flags – Free Rising Sun Wargaming Flags for 15mm Scale.

Battalion Heavy Weapons

70mm Type 92 Infantry Guns
A battalion can have 0 or 1 or 2 x FO for off-table 70mm Type 92 Infantry Guns. ‘A’ and ‘B’ Type battalions have 3. ‘C’ Type and those from Independent Mixed brigades have 2. Others none.

Of course I didn’t stop there. I got six 70mm Type 92 Infantry Guns.

37mm Type 94 Anti-tank guns
A battalion can have 0 or 1 or 3 x 37mm anti-tank guns with optional tow. ‘A’ and ‘B’ Type battalions have 3. Battalion from Independent Mixed brigades have 1. Others none. Of course I got four because they come in packs of two.

20mm Type 98 Anti-aircraft gun
I don’t have any 20mm cannon because I can’t find the models in 15mm. My assumption is this was the Type 98 AA machine cannon. Flames of War had the pack JP541 Type 98 20mm Anti-aircraft gun, but this pack is now out of stock.
Heavy Machine Gun
A battalion can have 0, 1, 2 or 3 HMG. ‘A’ and ‘C’ Type battalions have 3. Battalion from Independent Mixed brigades have 2. ‘B’ battalions and those from Independent Infantry Brigades had 1. Others none.

Rifle Companies
Most battalions had 4 rifle companies. Those from Independent Mixed brigades have 3.
1st Rifle Company (ID J-1)

2nd Rifle Company (ID J-2)

3rd Rifle Company (ID J-3)

4th Rifle Company (ID J-4)

Company Commanders
The flags are from my WW2 Japanese Flags – Free Rising Sun Wargaming Flags for 15mm Scale.

Type 97 Anti-tank rifles
Only High priority ‘A’ Type battalions had anti-tank rifles. Others none. These were the Type 97 automatic cannon.

Tank Hunter Rifle Squad
I put one Tank Hunter Rifle Squad into each platoon. This is a normal Rifle Squad that also gets +1 in close combat against tanks.

Tank Hunter Company
My fifth company is a Tank Hunter Company. Many of these units had mine laying capacibility so I count this company as Engineers (see Japanese Tank Hunter Teams in Crossfire). A Tank Hunter Engineer Squad is a normal Engineer Rifle Squad that also gets +1 in close combat against tanks. A Tank Hunter Engineer Assault Squad is a normal Assault Engineer Rifle Squad that also gets a bonus +1 in close combat against tanks. This bonus is additional so it gets a +1 in close combat against any stands and a total of +2 in close combat against tanks.

Reconnaissance Platoon

Artillery and Anti-tank Guns
47mm Type 1 Anti-Tank Gun Company
‘A’ and ‘B’ divisions had a anti-tank gun company in each infantry regiment.

Mountain and Field Artillery
‘A’ and ‘B’ divisions had a mountain artillery regiment
Two 75mm Type 38 Field Gun and two 75mm Type 41 Mountain Guns


Heavy Artillery
‘A’ and ‘B’ divisions had field artillery

The majority of figures are from Flames of War. I added in some from SkyTex – Command Decision – Japanese and Eureka Miniatures (UK) – Japanese to fill in gaps. If I did this again, I’d include more variants from these other supplies. I didn’t use Peter Pig – Japanese.
2 x JBX01 Hohei Chutai (Infantry Company)
1 x JP704 Hohei Machine-Gun Platoon
1 x JP706 Nikuhaku Teams
1 x JP707 Hohei Weapons Platoon
2 x JP501 Type 94 37mm Anti-tank Gun (2 guns)
1 x JP510 Type 1 47mm Gun (2 guns)
3 x JP560 Type 92 70mm Gun (2 guns)
1 x JP570 Type 38 75mm gun (2 guns)
1 x JP565 Type 41 75mm Infantry Gun (2 guns)
2 x JP705 Medium Mortar Platoon (2 tubes)
2 x JP005 Type 94 TK (2 per pack)
4 X JP051 Type 97 Chi-Ha
4 X JP056 Type 95 Ha-Go
Eureka Miniatures (UK) – Japanese
6 x Japanese infantry with Type 97 anti-tank rifle and No.2 (2 men)
6 x Japanese infantry in helmet with flamethrower, advancing (15mm)
9 x Japanese infantry with anti-tank weapon on pole, in kepi (15mm)
2 x Japanese infantry standard bearer in helmet advancing (15mm)
3 x Japanese infantry officer in helmet kneeling (15mm)
5 x Japanese infantry riding bicycle, in kepi (15mm)
5 x Japanese infantry riding bicycle, in helmet (15mm)
SkyTex – Command Decision – Japanese
1 x CD JI1 Infantry Command Figures (50 figures)
1 x CD JI4 L.M.G. Sections (50 figures)
1 x CD JI5 H.H.G Sections (50 figures)
1 x CD JS05 Light Mortars (10 figures)
Martin Boulter from Silurian Wargames Limited painted the Japanese. He uses a style that is similar to the Black Undercoat Method of painting but uses more shades. For example on the flesh he uses a mid brown base layer then does highlights in flesh tones.
I based and flocked them. I used my Standard Base Sizes and Number of Figures in Crossfire. Basically a rifle squad has 3 figures on a 30mm x 30mm base.
I also made the WW2 Japanese Flags – Free Rising Sun Wargaming Flags for 15mm Scale.
Very impressive Steven, they look fabulous and very imposing.
looks good Steven
Beautiful. Imposing army. A question.
How did you make the labels?
..another question: do you magnetize the bases?