Base Sizes and Number of Figures in Crossfire

New comers to Crossfire often ask how to base their figures. This is my approach for 15mm figures – see my musing section for how other people base. In general I went for 30mm square bases, rather than the official 32mm, as this is standard for other game systems. and is, well, tidier

Crossfire Base Sizes - Stevens versus Standard
Crossfire Base Sizes – Stevens versus Standard

Remember: A “base width” is a specific measurement in Crossfire, so your squads should be consistent.

Rifle and SMG squads

30mm x 30mm with 3 figures. I mix LMG teams on the same base with the Rifle (or SMG) equipped guys.

German Rifle Squad

Russian SMG Squad

Blue Division Rifle Squad

Russian SMG squads

Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)

30mm x 30mm with 2 figures and a tripod mounted HMG.

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Republican HMG

German HMG

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Moroccan HMG

Platoon Commander (PC)

15mm wide x 30mm deep with one figure.

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Regulares Officer

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Republican Officer

Company Commander (CC)

30mm x 30mm with 2 figures.

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Communist CC

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Regulares CC

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Russian Naval

Battalion Commander (BC)

There can be confusion between a BC and ordinary squads as each have 3 figures on a 30mm x 30mm square base. To avoid that confusion I use three slightly different schemes:

  • large stand (50mm x 50mm) with 3 figures plus a jeep
  • large stand (50mm x 50mm) with 5 figures, and no jeep, but one of the figures has a flag
  • normal stand (30mm x30mm) with 3 figures, but one of the figures has a flag

Russian BC
50x50mm; 4 figures + jeep

naval_P1030386_BC_side.jpg (110447 bytes)

Russian Naval BC
50x50mm; 5 figures + flag

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Regulares BC
30x30mm; 3 figures + flag

Other people have different strategies for distinguishing BCs, for example, using

  • round bases
  • normal stand with more figures. .

Forward Observer (FO)

With the standard basing some people find it difficult to distinguish PC and FO figures, as these are single figures on the same size base (15mm wide x 30mm deep with one figure). So I use a 20mm wide x 25mm deep base with one figure:

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Republican FO
Heavy Artillery

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Russian Naval FO
82mm Mortar

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Spanish Civil War FO
75mm Field Gun

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Same FO for French 75

Other people solve this problem with different methods.

  • Clip the front corners of the FO stands (my original strategy)
  • Put maps on all FO bases
  • Use round bases
  • Use a different number of figures (e.g. spotter + radio operator).

On-table Gun / Mortar

30mm wide x as deep as needed. For example:

Weapon Base Size Crew
37mm (e.g. Pak 35/36) or 45mm ATG 30mm x 30mm 3
50mm ATG (e.g. Pak38) 30mm wide x 45mm deep 4

And a few photos…

German/Spanish Infantry Gun Company
1 x 15.0cm and 3 x 7.5cm howitzers

German/Spanish Infantry Company with 15.0cm in foreground

Russian 82mm Mortars


By default they are based the same as a PC (15mm wide x 30mm deep with one figure), but to distinguish them I put Commissars on a 20mm x 20mm base.

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Republican Commissar

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Same chap, different angle

4 thoughts on “Base Sizes and Number of Figures in Crossfire”

  1. Hi Steven, a treasure trove of information in these pages. What material did you use for your bases? On the “Steven’s Fallschirmjäger Battalion for Crossfire” page you mention that you use a RUB with a magnetic sheet in it and the bases stick to it.

    • I now base on 2mm thick MDF. I put steel paper or flex-o-metal sheet backing on that. This makes the base stick to my storage boxes which are lined with magnetic sheets.

  2. Thanks Steven, 2mm mdf is weirdly hard to find in Australia. It doesn’t seem to be a building material and i haven’t had any luck finding it…

    • 2mm MDF (or plywood) is a standard with the wargaming companies. I have purchased pre-cut bases from Litko, Warbases, and Tiny Tin Troops. They all do 2mm. (or 3mm if that is your thing.)

      The one time I purchased my own 2mm MDF, to back home made hills, I had to buy it from an artist supplier. I think they use this as a backing board in framed paintings. I have a dim memory that I had to be buy several sheets to make it worthwhile.


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